We Are Bulletproof

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Sound was the first thing I was aware of.

There was a soft, steady beeping coming from my right that sped up a little as I started to wake up. Then pain slammed hard and heavy into my chest and I panicked a little, pulling at the cords attached to my body. The beeping got steadily faster.

"Wait, wait! Calm down," a husky voice said to my left. I looked over and blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

Jungkook was sitting beside me, lifting a little and rubbing his eyes like he'd been asleep. He placed his hands over mine and shushed me. My eyebrows wrinkled together as I tried to speak, but no sound came out. Something was in my throat and in my chest and I struggled against it, the panic rising higher and higher like fluid filling my body.

Another sound from my right caught my attention and I looked over in time to see Jin shoving Namjoon out of the way as he jumped around him and ran to my side. He put his large hand on my arm to hold it down.

"Calm down, Morgan. You were electrocuted and had a heart attack. We had to intubate you to help you breathe. Since you can do that on your own now, we'll take the tube out, but you have to help us, okay?"

I nodded quickly, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Good girl. I'm going to have to suction a little and deflate the balloon. Just relax as much as you can, okay?"

I nodded again, and tried to do as he said. After he suctioned, he did something else and the inside of my chest felt a little less full. When Jin made eye contact with me again, I could see the faint trail of perspiration on his forehead.

"Now I'm going to need you to cough."

I did as he said, coughing as he gently pulled the tube from my body. It took a couple minutes and I had to focus to keep the fear of not being able to breathe down so I could work with him. Once it was all the way out, I took a deep, shaky breath. It hurt like hell, but it felt good at the same time to be able to do it on my own. Jin fitted an oxygen mask over my face then sighed with relief and sat down in the chair next to me. Namjoon stood at the end of my bed, chewing his thumbnail and looking small for the first time since I'd met him. Jungkook held my hand up to his lips on the other side of me. They all shared a degree of worry and exhaustion on their faces.

"Where's eve--" I started to say, but my voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk.

"Ssh," Jin whispered, rubbing his hand over my arm and pushing the mask that I'd moved back over my mouth. "They wanted to be here, but they had to take care of a few things after the power surge."

My eyebrows knitted together as I looked around at the three men. My lips formed the beginning of "what" but I couldn't make sound come out. Tears came to my eyes again out of frustration, but I pushed them back.

Namjoon figured out what I was trying to say. "After you...after your heart stopped, we were trying to get you back and something happened. Power surged across the house. Some systems were fried. But it's okay now. Everything's okay now."

His voice was soft and a little shaky, but oddly soothing at the same time. It made my poor, broken heart ache a little more but for a completely different reason.

I wanted so badly to speak, but Jin kept shushing me. "Your throat is swollen and damaged from the tube. We had to do it quickly, so I couldn't be very careful. I'm sorry to have hurt you."

I shook my head, this time not stopping the tears that leaked out from the corners of my eyes. "Thank you," I whispered. It was starting to hit what had happened. I'd died. They brought me back.

Bulletproof | A BTS Gang AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum