The Truth Untold

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Yoongi plopped down on the couch and started spreading his papers out across the table before pushing his glasses up and looking around at those of us still left in the room. Then he sighed. I had the feeling he had a lot to say and wasn't sure where to start.

"So," he said finally, drawing out the word, "we know that kinetics started showing up a couple years ago, right?"

I looked around the room and noticed the nodding heads. I didn't know that and I was one. Noticing my deer-in-headlights look, Yoongi turned his attention to me.

"One would show up, start causing a mess and then end up dead in an alley a couple weeks later. We thought they were getting themselves killed or something, but it turns out they were dying on their own. Catastrophic cerebral edema. Their brains would get crushed under the pressure of fluid buildup in the skull."

I gasped and grabbed my head, suddenly very concerned about all the headaches I'd had. Yoongi reached out and, in a utterly confusing mood, put his hand comfortingly on my knee. "Don't worry. I've not seen anything like that in your scans so far."

I breathed out, but the fear was still there, simmering below the surface.

"Get to the point, Yoongi," Jin warned.

"Right. So I hacked into the coroner's files and found that many of them had unusual coding in their DNA. It was like a marker of sorts. There was a specific sequence of genetic code that showed up in every one of the kinetics' systems that aren't typical in that of regular people."

"And? What does that mean," Taehyung asked.

"The kenetics are being made," Namjoon said with a little bit of awe in his voice. Like all this was clicking into place for him.

Yoongi snapped his fingers and pointed at Joon. "Exactly. I found that same code in Morgan's blood, but it's been altered just slightly."

"So whoever is making the kinetics got better at what they were doing," Jin added.

"Does this mean I'm not human?" I leaned forward and looked at Yoongi like he was about to tell me my future.

"Not exactly. You're human. Just...altered. My guess is this happened when you were still a fetus. Or maybe even before. But this isn't even the best part." He winced when Jin cleared his throat across the room. "I mean, the most...helpful...part. Something else was in your blood. Another code. I saw it in the records of a couple other kinetics, but not all of them. I didn't make the connection until I found it in yours just before your accident. I think it's an identification system. Like a bar code or a manufacturer's serial number. I think I might know who made you."

We were all as silent as the grave for several heartbeats while the information settled in. Finally, Joon spoke up.

"What was the code you found?"

Yoongi smiled wide, looking like the cat that ate the canary. "It was a random, useless fragment. Just a repeating segment of three adenine-thymine pairs." He looked around the room like he was waiting for us to make the same intuitive leap he had made.

Taehyung was the first to make it. "Adenine and thymine. Three of them." His eyes were wide as he looked around the room. None of us were getting it. Not even Namjoon who was usually the best with puzzles. "AT3."

I gasped again and looked back at Yoongi who looked like a proud father. "Exactly. I think AT3 is making kinetics and Morgan is one of their finest accomplishments."

"Monsta X has been their main trafficker for years now," Jin said, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "That's why they're so interested in Morgan."

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