War of Hormone - Part II

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About an hour later, we pulled up to a nondescript store front a few blocks down from the club. I looked around at the guys but didn't argue when they hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the blacked-out door. I figured it was some underground fight club or something, but when we walked in, I was greeted with a pleasant, if dark, waiting room. All of the walls were covered with designs and artwork. They'd brought me to a tattoo parlor.

The young woman behind the counter nodded her head at us as we walked in but didn't say a word. She had piercings in nearly every part of her face and a couple on her shoulder. Tattoos covered what metal didn't, including the shaved sides of her head. It was all very well done and vivid. Jimin stepped in front and walked down the hall without being told he could. I wondered if they owned this place, too.

I followed the boys into a back room without a word. A young guy was sitting beside the table, flipping through his phone. He looked up and smiled weakly as we walked in. He had dark, sleepy eyes over a sharp nose and full lips that looked like they would make an adorable smile. If he was capable of smiling. In his current state, he gave the impression that life had hit him like a ton of bricks and he was just going through the motions of living now.

"What's up Hanbin," Hobi said as they slapped their hands together.

"Not much, man. Livin' the dream as you can see. What's up with you guys? I didn't expect to see you for a while." The guy said, looking me over and chewing his lip ring as he did. His eyes scanned me quickly as his razor-sharp jaw ticked with emotion. Impatience? Boredom? Cunning analysis of my core makeup? I couldn't tell.

Hobi looked back at me and motioned me forward. I stepped up and he wrapped his hand around my shoulders. "Got a new recruit. Need to get her marked up."

"Whoa, wait. Me? You want me to get a tattoo?"

"Well, yeah," Hobi said. His nose wrinkled up and he pursed his lips like I'd asked the strangest question ever asked by a human.

"We all got tattoos when we first joined," Jimin added, giving me a playful shove in my shoulder.

"It's small," Taehyung added. "You can put it anywhere you want, but it marks us as part of Bangtan."

I looked up at them like they'd grown three heads, apiece, then looked at the smirking tattoo artist. He motioned to the table.

"I don't think this is really your decision, babe," he said. Then he shrugged, adding, "like Tae said, it's small. You'll be out in like fifteen minutes."

I glanced around at the guys surrounding me. I mean, I had just killed a man to save them the night before. Throwing a fit over a tattoo did seem a little childish. With a sigh, I hopped up on the table while the artist went to get his supplies.

"So, where are you going to put it," Jimin asked. He pulled up a chair and slid up beside me with a huge grin on his face.

It didn't take long to think about it. I pulled up my hair. "Here," I said, pointing to the back of my neck. "I can hide it if I need to and it will cover up this scar I have back here."

"Ooh, that looks like an auto-injector scar. How'd you get that," Hobi asked as he leaned over to see the marred flesh just below my hairline. I gave him a deadpan look and didn't say anything. "Right. You don't remember. Sorry I--"

--"forgot. Yeah, I know what that feels like."

We all laughed a little at my sarcastic joke. The tattoo guy came back in with his gloves and equipment and raised an eyebrow at me. "So, did you decide where you wanted it?"

I showed him and he nodded before handing me a band so I could wrap my ponytail into a bun. I laid down on the table, putting my head through the doughnut hole, and wrapped my arms around the top.

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