2: Embarrassed

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Taehyung drove long enough that I was eventually rocked to sleep by the movement of the vehicle. I fell against the window and slept even as the road became steeper and much bumpier. When Taehyung pulled to a stop and opened the door, he had to catch me before I hit the road. I jerked and flailed about, my hand connecting with something soft on his face. He didn't drop me but judging by the look in his eyes, he was at least considering it. Three angry red fingerprints started to show up across his cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said sheepishly. It was more because he had a gun and seemed to like using it rather than actual attrition.

Taehyung didn't respond other than to give me a hard glare as he shut the door behind me. I followed behind him as he led me up the steps of a large, modern home. There were lots of trees all around and behind us with the only open space being the circle drive. The heels on his expensive shoes clicked on each step. My worn-out, too big tennis shoes made only a soft squishing sound on my sockless feet. I tried not to stare like a child at my surroundings. I had only ever known the city I woke up in.

The house looked like a series of boxes stacked on top of one another in haphazard ways. Stressing the "hazard". It didn't look structurally sound, but when we walked inside, it was paradise. Aged wood floors and accents met designer gray walls that were decorated with all manner of expensive-looking abstract art. Glass windows filled the whole back wall, letting in a view of the city I had never expected to see.

I stopped to look at a painting hanging just before the marble staircase. It was a blend of deep blues and greens with a riot of pink and orange above it. A single, tiny slash of gold leaf split the warm from the cool. I cocked my head to the side as I marveled at it. It looked so familiar.

"Looks like sunset over the water," I whispered.

"That's what hyung says. It's his favorite," Taehyung said, stepping up beside me.

"Who? Namjoon?"

Taehyung nodded.

I turned back to the painting, taking in each brushstroke until Taehyung was pulling at my wrist again. I wanted to look out the window, but that was apparently not an option.

"Come on. I was told to take you to your room to clean up."

"My room? I get a room?"

He cut his eyes at me. "Well, sort of." He didn't let go of my hand as we walked up the stairs and down a long hallway. There were windows everywhere. They reached all the way from the floor to the ceiling and covered every wall looking out over the back of the house. I tried to pull away from Taehyung so I could see the view, but he held me tight. The benefit of having no memories was that everything was something new. The downside of being the newest hired help...no one stopped to let me appreciate any of it.

We walked into a room with dark walls and a huge bed covered with what looked like the softest comforter I'd ever seen. Which, of course, wasn't saying much, but still. I started to hop onto the plush lovelieness when am arm wrapped around me, pulling me back.

"What the f— "

"That's not your bed." He let me go and spun me around. Then he pointed to the couch on the side. "That's your bed. At least for the next foreseeable future. We're not just gonna give some random girl off the streets her own room and a bed. What would you want next? Your very own tiara?"

"Only if you're through with yours."

Taehyung lifted an eyebrow. He was not amused.

I pointed to the large bed. "Then who's sleeping in that?"

This time, Taehyung smiled so wide, the edges of his mouth creased. He looked demonic. And by demonic, I mean so sexy you would sell your soul just to spend the night with him. "You're welcome to share it with me if you want," he said, stepping closer. His voice was so deep and melodic I could almost imagine him leading me down to Hell like an evil pied piper.

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