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Two weeks passed and I still hadn't been able to convince the guys to stop treating me like a broken piece of china. Jungkook barely left my side, even when Jin lost his shit with him over disobeying his orders and Taehyung spent so much time looking at me like a forlorn lover that even I started to get sick of it.

Jimin wouldn't come near me for the first two days after my accident and when he eventually did he had a brace on his nose.

Apparently, after they'd got my heart going for good, I'd freaked out and slipped into that dark place and broken his nose in the process. Anytime I'd tried to touch him, he muttered something about "eyes" and backed away. At some point Jin had a talk with him and he stopped looking at me like a monster. Yoongi never came around and I had the sneaking suspicion that he was blaming himself for what happened. He wouldn't let me, or Jimin, near his lab.

Finally, I'd had enough and went to Joon for help.

"Can I go to work with you today?"

Joon looked up from the papers on his desk in the office he kept at the house. He pulled his glasses down from his nose and regarded me carefully. Like he was studying a piece of art he wasn't quite sure if he liked or not.

"Why," he finally asked.

I sat down on the arm of the chair across from him and propped my head on my hands. "Because the guys are treating me like I'm broken and I can't stand it anymore. I need to do something productive. To feel like I'm still part of the team. Jin said my heart was perfectly fine anyway."

Namjoon scoffed and dropped his glasses on the desk. "Jin likes to think he's a doctor, but he's not."

"I'm fine, Joon."

I got lost in the power of his stare for a minute, but didn't dare back down. Finally, he sighed and leaned back. "I guess it's fine. It's not like I'm doing anything but paperwork today anyway."

I squealed and ran around to throw my arms around his neck. He leaned back in his chair to give me enough room so that I didn't hit his heavy wooden desk, but I suddenly had the feeling he was pulling away for other reasons as well. I just didn't know what they were. He patted me weakly on the back and gave me the tight-lipped smile he always had when he was being shy or hiding something. I stood up straight, smoothed out my pajamas and cleared my throat.

"Um, I guess I should get changed, then."

Joon just nodded his head and tapped his fingers on the desk. I bowed and backed out the door, but once I heard it slide shut, I bolted up the stairs to mine and Jungkook's room.

I loved that Jungkook was so protective, but having him constantly underfoot had gotten old. Luckily for me, Jin had threatened him that morning with severe bodily harm if he didn't get out of the house and get something done for the team. I didn't know what his job was that day, but it was apparently serious enough that both Jin and Yoongi had to leave early that morning to deal with it as well. Once alone in the room, I threw open the closet doors to see which of Taehyung's choices I could wear that day. I found a loose black top and decided to throw it over a cute lace bralette and some moto street leggings. I even grabbed a pair of black heels. They were growing on me and I liked the feeling of sexuality and power they allowed after weeks spent looking like an overcooked potato in sweats and t-shirts.

By the time I heard Namjoon moving around in the kitchen, I'd washed up and put on enough makeup to hide the dark circles and pale skin from too much time spent indoors and come out looking like a whole person again. I'd used lots of burgundy eyeshadow and black cateye eyeliner to complete the badass look I was going for that day. I felt masculine and feminine at the same time and was loving it. I felt like I could take on the world.

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