Dark & Wild

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Jin's hand slid under his pillow so slowly, even I barely registered the movement. I hadn't realized he was awake because his breathing never changed and he hadn't stirred.

Hwasa sighed in front of us. I heard her shift before she held something up into the air. When the moonlight struck it, I could just make out the shape of a gun.

"Looking for something, Jinnie? I don't think you're going to find it there."

Jin cursed softly into the pillow before slowly rolling over onto his back. "Morgan, can't you take care of this?"

"Actually, I can't," I whispered through clenched teeth. "She's a null. She cancels out all abilities within a five-meter radius."

I could feel Jin looking at me, but I shrugged slightly. I didn't know how I knew that, but I did.

"Morgan, huh? Is that what you've been calling yourself? Wonho mentioned something about that, but I thought he was just messing around. You know Wonho. Such a kidder." Hwasa shrugged, pursing her lips together. "He also said you didn't seem to remember anything about our past. I didn't believe him then and I still don't now. So I won't be taking any chances. I made that mistake once and it got me killed."

Before I could say a word, she raised her own gun and fired. Pain blossomed in my throat as Jin yelled obscenities and lunged at Hwasa. She turned his gun on him, forcing him to sit back and seethe at her instead.

"Relax, twit. It's just a paralytic. I didn't come here to kill her." She turned her venomous eyes on me. "Though I should. Return the favor."

I swallowed hard as I felt the drug begin to take effect. My heart rate bumped higher as each of my muscles stopped responding. I worried it would go to my lungs, but even as my whole body numbed, I continued to breathe just fine.

Hwasa reached behind her and flipped on the light. I couldn't flinch as the light burned my eyes, making them instantly fill with tears. I could move everything above the dart, but my reaction time was slowed. Hwasa plopped down on the bed and poked my foot with her fingernails.

"So, tell me, Natalia," she said absently without looking up, "why did you run away?"

"I don't know." My voice was weak and groggy-sounding.

Hwasa stared daggers at me. "You're lying."

"No. I'm not. I don't remember anything except you and that's only because of a dream I had after being electrocuted."

She looked from me to Jin who was much less forthcoming with information than I was. After a moment, she smiled and tipped her head.

"Well, that explains some things. But not how you still ended up with them. Though I'd expected you to do your job by now. Considering the fact that they're still breathing, I'm inclined to believe you. So," she said, standing, "that begs the questions...how did you lose your memory? And how do we fix you?"

With surprising speed, Hwasa reached out and wrapped her manicured fingers around my ankle and dragged me into the floor. I couldn't do anything to brace myself as I fell off the end of the bed and I couldn't move my arms out of the way, either. When I fell on my arm at an unnatural angle, I found out that the drug she'd shot me with did nothing to numb pain.

I screamed out in agony as the bone snapped in two, nearly puncturing the skin. It immediately began to turn purple as I bumped over the floor behind the woman I once loved like a sister. Jin screamed behind me but Hwasa's men were next to him with rifles pointed at his head so the only thing he could do was raise his hands and let them lead him into the living room. Hwasa motioned for him to sit on the couch as she dragged me in front of it, shoving the coffee table out of the way with a stiletto-covered foot. It slid across the floor and splintered against the fireplace.

Bulletproof | A BTS Gang AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora