Bonus Chapter - Adult Child

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Here's the bonus chapter I promised a while back! Sorry it took so long, but I was trying to decide what I wanted to do and then the holidays hit and I had to take care of my family

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Here's the bonus chapter I promised a while back! Sorry it took so long, but I was trying to decide what I wanted to do and then the holidays hit and I had to take care of my family. It's fluffy, so I hope you like it! 

Also, thank you guys so much for getting Bulletproof up to almost 6k reads! I can't believe this little potato of a story has had so many people read it! You guys are the best! 

Also, thank you guys so much for getting Bulletproof up to almost 6k reads! I can't believe this little potato of a story has had so many people read it! You guys are the best! 

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The next morning, I discovered a downfall to sleeping in the countryside.

Nature was fucking loud.

I had grown accustomed to the sounds of the city during my year on the streets and had to adjust to the relative silence that surrounded me at the mansion. Which meant my ears were no longer used to noise so early in the morning. Especially birds. And squirrels. The noisy little shits. It was sometime around sunrise that I struggled out of the sheets and made my way into the kitchen where Jin was already up and making breakfast. Because of course he was.

I glared at his insanely broad shoulders for a minute until he turned and caught me staring. He lifted an eyebrow and quirked a little smile before turning and grabbing a cup of what I assumed was coffee.

"Morning, Sunshine," he said with a smile in his voice. He was annoyingly chipper for so early in the morning. I just grumbled in his general direction and took the coffee while trying my best not to spill it on either of us.

"I wish you'd knocked me out last night, too. A coma would've been more restful."

"Aw, nature doesn't agree with you?"

I glared at him over the top of my coffee. "How does it agree with you so well? Didn't you grow up in the city?"

"Well, yes and no. After my father was killed, my mother and siblings had to leave because of the bounty on our heads. This was the cabin we came to. I lived here for about two years before going back."

"Oh, I didn't know you had other family around," I said, leaning back against the counter as Jin turned away to focus on the food. His shoulders slumped just slightly and the coffee I'd just gulped down hit my stomach like a rock.

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