Attack on Bangtan

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My whole world erupted into chaos as glass shattered and boots stormed through the doors. Hwasa's men descended on us like a broken hive of bees searching for their stolen queen. I had no choice but to lay in the floor because as hard as I tried, I still couldn't move more than my toes and the tips of my fingers. I shoved out with my powers, but what I had done before had been hard enough and now with Hell raining down around me, I was too distracted to focus on it.

"Get them and bring them to the car," Hwasa shouted at the men around her. "Then get out into the woods and find the shooter. It's got to be that bastard, Taehyung!" She gestured wildly around the room as her men scattered to carry out her orders. Two of them grabbed Jin under his arms as one rushed over to collect me. I struggled against his grip, but I was too weak to put up much of a fight.

Just as Hwasa reached the door, though, a heavy, dark-headed man dropped down from the porch roof. A vicious smile cut across his face as he leveled his gun at hers. Seconds later, another body broke through what was left of the glass doors behind us.

"Suho..." Hwasa breathed, stepping back into the room. My head swiveled from Suho at the front to the man stepping over broken glass in the back. Sounds of warfare still waged outside as the two men in front of us looked like they were ready to face an army inside. They were both dressed in heavy black armor and carrying military-grade weapons. The one at the back smirked down at me even as he held his gun to the enemies in the room. His hair was pulled away from his beautifully chiseled face in a high ponytail, exposing the close-cropped hair on the sides. I vaguely recognized him from that first night at the auction house.

"Kai," I choked out.

He knelt down beside me without lowering his weapon. "We're going to get you out of here. Can you move?"

"Not well."

"Okay, hang tight then." With that, he stood again and stalked toward Hwasa.

"You know, a little bird told me you'd died," Suho spoke as he closed in on Hwasa and her men. Two more guys came in through the back and I immediately recognized them as Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. I had no doubt there were even more waiting outside.

"But I never believe anything I don't see with my own two eyes," he finished.

Hwasa laughed nervously as she watched the men closing in on her. "A good policy to have, though I would expect nothing less from you. But why are you here? This doesn't concern you."

Suho laughed, but there was no happiness in the sound. In fact, it was way more creepy than any laugh should have been. Between the laugh and the glint in Suho's eyes, he was here for blood. "Well, you see my dear...that's where you're mistaken. The second you came for my brother, you involved me."

Hwasa looked down at Jin, still knocked out and lying at her feet. "Jin?"

"Really, I thought you'd have better intel, but that doesn't really matter anymore does it? You and the Baron have stepped far out of bounds this time."

"I don't have time for this shit, Suho. Let me take the girl and you can have your idiot brother."

Kai chuckled beside me. "Well, unfortunately for you, that's not going to work, either. If she's part of Bangtan, she's under our protection too." My heart swelled as Kai looked down at me and winked.

"This has nothing to do with you," she screamed, throwing her hands wildly in the air. Feeling had returned to my arms and legs enough that I could push myself up onto my elbow. The already tense air was starting to shift and deepen like changing winds just before a hurricane. It felt like the energy was being sucked from the room. Like something was powering up.

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