j ; star crossed lovers

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately for Y/N, even though her family had begged her to stay away from south of town, she had to pass through there to get home. They didn't want to risk the chances of her not finding her soulmate, even more, she already seemed to have. They believed she would never find her soulmate. She was 25. If her 13-year-old brother found his first, they believed there was no hope for her. Luckily they hadn't disowned her as some families have done. Can't risk the future generations not finding their soulmates. Families aren't willing to take the risks in case a soulmate happens to be royalty.

As she walked, she noticed the south side of town was empty, causing her to roll her eyes. Peoples fears ruined everything. Everyone was extremely cautious all the time and they always looked at those who didn't have a soulmate with pity. That angered Y/N even more as it wasn't her fault that she hadn't found her soulmate. The world is a huge place. Her soulmate could be halfway across the world and she could never meet them. Sometimes she wished she had a name rather than different coloured eyes.

Her sister had her soulmates name written on her wrist and she had hers. It made it so much easier to find her and they were both so happy about it. Her sister knew her name and it made her so happy that she knew the name rather than a shape or colour. Her parents were the most accepting that her sister's soulmate was another female but they knew that they were destined to be together so they allowed it. Y/N believed her family were one of the nicest families when it came to soulmates.

"Good morning dear Y/N! What brings you down this end of town?" Drine said as Y/N passed him. His family disowned him for having a male soulmate. Now he was one of the most popular bakers in town.

"We both know I have to go this way to get home Drine," Y/N said sassily as she looked at him, causing them to both laugh.

"Oh I know but I also know that your family would have advised you to stay away due to the people staying this side of town," Drine said as he placed some bread rolls in Y/Ns shopping basket knowing she'd eat them for lunch.

"You know me and my family so well it's scary sometimes. I'm 25 and you know what they say about those without a soulmate at 25. Just look at Yine. She's 40 and has no soulmate. She lives on her own just outside the village and nobody wants to talk to her"

"Except for you. You talk to Yine and your fam-"

"My family believe she's part of the reason I don't have a soulmate," Y/N said and they both chuckled

"Oooh, incoming" Drine said as he looked over her shoulder and raised his eyebrows. Y/N turned around to see a large man with silver hair wearing all black and a small brunette man carrying a lute.

"That's the Butcher of Blaviken and his bard that makes songs of him wherever he goes. He's the one that's written all the ballads of his fights and adventures" Drine said, swinging his arm around Y/Ns shoulder. They watched as they walked around, looking at stalls near the bakery.

"As much fun as it is watching new eye candy with you, I need to get back home now," Y/N said. They kissed cheeks and Y/N began to make her way home. She passed the bard and butcher. They both turned to look at her and they both made eye contact. The bard had a green eye and a grey eye and Y/N kept walking, not realising. The bard watched her go for he had noticed.


The rumours around town had almost grown out of hand and it irritated Y/N.

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