S1 E1: Set 'Em Up And Knock 'Em Down

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is a bright and busy college campus. Camera pans around to show various students chatting amongst themselves in the halls or running about to their various classes. Camera focuses on Samantha, who is striding to the theater room and carrying supplies from a previous class)

Samantha: I think I'll actually make it to class on time this time!

(Samantha excuses herself as she squeezes by many students, some she accidentally hits with her supplies. Samantha throws the door to the theater open to find the rest of her class and the professor looking at her)

Samantha: Or not...

Professor: You look like you've just been drained, what's the matter? I was just about to take attendance when you walked in.

(Samantha breathes a sigh of relief as she takes a seat somewhere within the mass of chairs with Davis just to her right)

Davis: Barely made it huh?

Samantha: Well, maybe I should have reconsidered having two classes with so little time inbetween.

Davis: I mean if you can manage both of them you go on ahead, I'm not trying to say anything.

(Samantha and Davis turn to face the professor as he finishes taking attendance. The professor then looks to the only person in the front row, Jack)

Professor: Jack, would you mind passing out these papers?

Jack: Of course.

(Jack gets up and walks around the audience section passing out the notes for the class. When he gets to Samantha he smiles)

Jack: Long day much?

Samantha: (Taking the note paper) Eh, I guess.

(Once Jack has finished passing out all the notes he hands the leftovers to the professor before saving a note page for himself as the professor begins lecturing)

Professor: Today we'll be covering a subject that we don't normally cover. This may entice some of you but be warned this is more complicated than it looks. Today we will be covering fight choreography.

(Half of the class does a small cheer while the other half simply remains silent, humoring the professor)

Connor: What is fight choreography?

Professor: Why I'm going to get into detail about that, be patient.

(The professor then does a quick lecture about what fight choreography is. When he finishes he looks into the audience section)

Professor: Alright I'll need two people to come on down and attempt this example.

(Two students immediately get up and head up on the stage where the professor quickly debriefs the instructions. The two then start wildly swinging at one another. A few seconds in one of their fists connects and the professor quickly stops them)

Professor: You were supposed to plan this out beforehand! Are you okay?

(The injured student nods in response)

Professor: Well you two take a seat, I'm not sure if I can allow you two back on there together if this is going to happen.

(The professor sighs as the two students trudge back to their seats as he thinks to himself. The professor then looks to the audience section again)

Professor: Jack, Samantha, would you two come on down?

(Jack is the first to get up, Samantha takes a few seconds before she joins Jack next to the professor)

Professor: You two head onto the stage and show us what you got. Try not to actually hurt each other like those before you did.

(Jack and Samantha head backstage, doing some quick planning before they head out)

Jack: You wanna be the one that wins?

Samantha: Sure, why not? Will I need to know anything before we get out there and fight? How we're going to go in?

Jack: Hmm... How about you enter like you just got thrown? Think you can do that?

Samantha: I think I can do that. How are you going to signal the end of the fight though?

Jack: I'll act like I've been stunned by one of your attacks. You'll know, and then finish me off however you please, as long as you don't break anything.

(Jack and Samantha chuckle before preparing. Camera focuses on the stage as the professor and the rest of the class wait in trepidation. Just as the duo scripted, Samantha is thrown onto the stage with Jack not too far behind)

Jack: You think you can match the likes of me?!

(Samantha quickly gets up and the two engage each other! Jack swipes at Samantha like a tiger on the attack, forcing her back before he lets off and she pressures Jack, throwing a large array of cheerleading kicks)

Samantha: Don't underestimate me or my skills!

(The two continue to fight until Jack reels back, stunned)

Jack: Ugh...

Samantha: It's over!

(Samantha drives her elbow into Jack's chest before she performs a mighty axe kick, catching Jack's shoulder with her heel and swiftly bringing him to the ground as everyone cringes)

Professor: Is Jack okay?

(Much to everyone's relief Jack quickly gets back up and gives a thumbs up)

Jack: This is nothing compared to the stuff I've taken back when I still did kung fu. That went pretty well Sam.

(The two high five as they receive applause and the professor smiles)

Professor: This is exactly what fight choreography is about. I overheard the two of you planning it all out within that short time period, well played.

Jack: If I remembered anything from kung fu, especially with sparring matches, you want to set the boundaries so you don't go too far.

Samantha: That and we demonstrated our moves to each other so we could get a feel for everything.

Professor: Also a big must. A job very well done you two, go ahead and sit down on the stage, I may need you two to demonstrate again.

(The rest of the class goes swimmingly with Jack and Samantha demonstrating whatever the professor says, and when the class ends some of the class remains while others have already left)

Davis: That was pretty good Sam.

Samantha: Thanks... Davis was it?

Davis: Yes, Davis, and no problem. Hey Jack!

Jack: Yeah?

Davis: That was really good. I knew you did martial arts but I never knew you were capable of THAT!

Jack: Oh believe me I'm full of surprises. Your cheerleading skills really paid off.

Samantha: They sure did. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get going, my boyfriend's waiting.

Jack: Tell him I said hi for me will you?

(Samantha simply nods in response as she heads out, and Davis and Jack are among the last of the students to leave the theater room and head off campus. That's when the camera pans up, and a strange rip appears in the night sky for a few seconds, spewing out a bunch of objects before it closes back up as if it had never happened)


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