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Samuel's POV

I smiled as I entered the Library and saw team RWBY around a table and they were playing some card game. Behind them was Team JNPR, who appeared to be actually reading.

I walked over to a shelf and started scanning through the books, until I found one that satisfied my reading tastes. I grabbed the book and walked over to Team RWBY. I quirked a brow at Yang when I saw Ruby and Weiss hugging while crying.

"I took out Weiss's army, ans Ruby activated my trap card." Yang smiled victourisly. I nodded slowly and stood behind the blonde haired girl. "Right."

"Alright Blake it's your turn!" Yang announced and Jaune came up to the table and pleaded with Weiss to let him play for a round. "Uh? What am I doing again?"

"You're playing as Vale and you want to conquer the land of Reamnet." Yang explained and Blake looked from her cards to Yang. Before she could respond two more people approached us.

"Sup' loses!" Sun greeted and waved his hand. "Hey Sun."

"Ruby, Yang, Blake, Sam, and Ice Queen." Sun greeted us all and caused Weiss to cross her srms over her chest. "Why does everyone keep calling me that?"

"I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend." Sun smiled and pointed towards the blue haired boy who wore orange goggles. He smiled and looked around. "Aren't libraries for reading?"

"Thank you!" Ren announced from across the room, waking Nora in the process. "Pancakes!"

"Shut up, don't be a nerd." Sun elbowed the boys side and laughed. "I'm Neptune."

"So Neptune where are you from?" Weiss asked and looked at Neptune from her seat. "Haven, and I don't think I caught your name Snow Angel."

I turned my attention to Blake who had suddenly got out of her chair and announced she would be leaving. Sun shrugged his shoulders and looked at me. I did the same thing and then Nora spoke with a deep voice. "Women."

I laughed at Nora's observation and turned to go back to browsing books. Neptune had taken Blake's spot in the game and somehow beat them all. I sat with Ren and Nora and got along pretty well with them.

"Ren thinks it's a bad idea, but a pancake powered syrup launcher would be awesome!" Nora enthused with a bright smile. "I'm just saying it would make more sense the other way."

"No one asked for your opinion Ren!" Nora shot the man clad in green a dirty look before she have her a picture book. She took it with a smile and started pointed out all the 'awesome' pictures. "Well good night you two, I'm going to check out a few books before heading back."

"Alright, good night Sam." Ren smiled as he turned to Nora who was engrossed in the children's book. "C'mon Nora."

I waved and walked over to the counter and handed the two books to the lady. She smiled and scanned them. "Have a good night Samuel."

I nodded and with a smile I walked off. I noticed that Team RWBY had forgotten their game on the table. I sighed and picked it up. I walked back towards the dorms and a weird feeling rose in my stomach. I picked up my pace and walked a little bit faster. I approached the hallway that held our dorms and when I turned the corner I saw Ruby and three others I don't recognize. "Uh, I'm Ruby. Are you new?"

I got closer and I saw Ruby look at me, a little bit of panic was etched onto her face. One of the girls stepped forward, her heels clicking as she did so. "Visiting from Haven actually."

"Ooh! You're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory." Ruby spoke, she sounded friendly but I could tell she knew something was up. "Ruby!"

"Oh hi Sam." I saw the look of relief in her face when the attention that the other three were giving her was now on me. A male with silver hair looked me over quickly before turning back to Ruby. "We must have gotten lost."

"Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time." Ruby smiled as the silver haired male and the green haired girl walked past her. "Uh, your building is just east of here."

"Thanks." The last girl spoke as she continued walking but looked me over with a smirk. Totally not creppy or anything. "Maybe we'll see you two around."

"Yeah, maybe!" Ruby smiles as they are almost at the end of the hallway. "Welcome to Beacon!"

"Well that was interesting." I nodded and Ruby looked at me and let out a breath. "Tell me about it."

"The black haired girl gave me a bad feeling." The smile fell from my face when I felt an unfamiliar feeling swell in my stomach. "They just seemed off."

"I couldn't agree more Little Red." I let the smile come back to my face and I noticed Ruby also held a smile. "Well nice to see you Sam, but I have to get to the library before they lock it up, I forgot the board game."

"You mean the one I grabbed on my way out?" I asked and held up the box for Ruby to take. "You're a double life saver. Thanks Sam!"

"No problem Little Red." I smiled and ruffled her hair. "But I must be going, if you need anything you know where to fine me."

"Good night Sam!" She called out as I waved and then proceeded to twist the handle to my dorm room. "Oh Sam! I don't know If you're interested, but tommorow after school were going to investigate more on Torchwick guy we fought. You and team SLVR are more than welcome to meet us at our dorm room to hear the plan!"

"Alright Ruby, see you tommorow then." I waved and walked in the room to find silence. It seems the girls were too caught up in looking at something that they weren't fighting. I tossed one of the books in my hand over to Ryan.

"Since you like reading, this is a good one." I smiled and plopped the other book onto my bed. "What's it about?"

"One of my favorite children tales, the four maidens."

Grimm Tamer (RWBY fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon