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Samuel's POV

I stepped off the air ship and took in my surroundings. I was about to take a step when I was bumbed into by a blonde haired male who was holding his hand over his mouth. He rushed past me and leaned over a nearby trash can, and proceeded to empty the content of his stomach.

I internally cringed, but decided to push past that as I walked over to him.

"You good?" I asked, he gave a weak thumbs up before he lifted his head up. "Could have been worse."

"You're puking your guts out into a trash can, how could it get worse?" I asked with a laugh to which he straightened his body up. "There could be no trash can."

"Fair enough," I nodded in agreement and put my hand out. "The names Samuel Ovenshire."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jaune Arc." He shook my hand, which now that I think about was probably infested with germs.

"So I don't really know anybody, and like, wanna walk to the academy with me?" Jaune asked, his sentence structure being rather skewed as he asked. "Sounds good to me, I only know one person. Plus I have no idea where she is."

"Yay! Alone buddies!" He shouted and we began our descent to the oversized academy. I looked over to the entrance but was distracted when I saw a cloud of smoke erupt from the courtyard.

"Jaune," I looked over at him to see he noticed the fire as well. "We should go check it out."

"Agreed." He spoke, we both ran towards the commotion. My mind was scattered with many thoughts most of them involving the incident with Roman Torchwick. Could he be here to take his revenge?

Upon Jaune and I reaching the explosion site all that remained was a girl clad in red. She held a sullen look on her face as she stared up into the sky.

"You good Red?" I asked and held out my hand for her to take. She sat up and used my hand to push herself off the ground. "Just peachy."

"Hi, I'm Jaune." Said person waved with a smile.

"And I'm Ruby." She smiled and looked him over. She snorted which made me laugh when she looked at Jaune. "Aren't you the kid who threw up on the ship."

I rolled my eyes as we began to walk once again, this time Ruby coming with us.

"All im saying is motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!" Jaune defended himself as Ruby and I continued to poke fun at his display on the ship. "Look I'm sorry, vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind."

"What if I call you crater face." Jaune crossed his arms, looking over the rather short girl. "That explosion was an accident!"

"Sure it was." I laughed and playfully pushed her shoulder. She smiled and rolled her eyes. "It really was!"

"Well my name is Jaune Arc, short, sweet and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it!" Jaune boasted and flexed his imaginary muscles. "Do they?"

"They will!" He assured looking less confident by the second. "Well I hope they will, my mom always say - er- nevermind."

"So," Ruby started and reached for her scythe on her back. "I got this thing."

The scythe expanded and impaled itself into the ground. I jumped to the side to avoid impalment. "Sorry Sam!"

"Woah is that a scythe!" Jaune outbursted and pointed at the black and red weapon. "It's also a customizable, high impact, sniper rifle."

"Uh what?" Jaune asked looking dumbfounded at the metal craft. Ruby loaded a magizine and popped the old one out. "It's also a gun."

"That's cool." Jaune sounded impressed by his tone of voice. Ruby's eyes light up when she looked over at me. "Sam you have a really cool weapon! Can I see it!"

"Why not." I unsheathed Kalamity and stuck the end into the ground. "This is Kalamity, a double sided war hammer with a grappling hook tip. It can also compact onto my wrist for easy access."

"So cool! Mines Crescent Rose!" The girl squealed as she turned to Jaune. "What weapon do you have Jaune?"

"Oh uh," He reached for his belt and pulled out a ordinary long sword. "I have a sword."

"Oooooh." Ruby smiled as Jaune placed the sword awy and pulled out what seemed like a shield. "Yeah, got a shield too."

"What can they do?" I asked looking over Ruby's head. "The shield can get smaller so when I get tired I can just put it away, watch."

He went to shrink the shield, but something happened and it began to malfunction. It took Jaune a few tries before it was back and placed on his hip.

"But wouldn't it weigh the same?" Ruby asked looking at Jaune with a raised brow. "Yeah, yeah it does."

"Well I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons, I did go a little overboard when designing mine." She admitted, holding the rifle close to her chest. "Wait? You made that?"

"Of course! All students at Signal forge their own weapons, did you make yours?" Jaune pulled out his sword. "It's a hand-me-down. My great great grandfather used it to fight in a war."

"Sounds more like a family heirloom to me." Ruby smiled, I rolled my eyes and gave my opinion. "I like it, not many people have a like for the classic theses days."

"Yeah the classics Sam." I nodded slowly, I could tell his mood had dropped lightly.

"So why'd you two decide to help me out back there in the courtyard?" Ruby asked as we began to walk down the path again, to be honest I don't know where we were going. I was just following the other two.

"Eh why not?" Jaune shrugged. "My mom told me strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."

"Hey where are we going?" Ruby asked as we approached a small pond. We all stopped and looked towards one another.

"I don't know I was following you." Jaune announced and looked at us. "I was following Sam."

"I was just going with the flow." I nodded and looked at the two who's eyes were on me.

"Ya think they're might be a directory? A food court? A noticeable landmark?" Ruby and I snicked at Jaune's antics as someone came running towards us.

"Woah sorry, you three are going the wrong way!" She called out, slowing her pace as she stood in front of us. She had purple eyes, and her hair was tied in braids close to her scalp. A pleothra of different shades and varients of purples made up her long hair. She wore black fishnet stockings that were tattered, combat boots that reached her knees, black shorts, and a galaxy like shirt. A long staff like weapon was placed on her back.

"I'm Viridian, Viridian Black." She smiled and put her hand fourth. Ruby shook it and smiled at her. "Speaking of going the wrong way, mind pointing out where we're supposed to be going?"

"My pleasure, follow me." She boasted and began skipping down the path. I stood still for a moment as the three of them went forward.

"Wait are you waiting for Sam? C'mon!" Ruby yelled out, I shook my head of my thoughts and proceeded at a jogging pace to catch up with the group.

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