~Apr 29

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Karayan was curious, but knew better than to listen in. Of course, that didn't stop the occasional word from drifting over. Karayan often heard them mention "her ladyship" or "magic". Of all the peoples of the world, the Amanis were best known for their sorcery and magic. But even now such things were rare, and looked upon as the devilry they are. Karayan wondered if these men were magicians, and if he should learn magic. He didn't much like the idea of doing evil, but if it brought on pay, well, he could gloss over it of his mother asked.

Finally, the two men were done talking. "Alright, young Karayan, come this way, if you will." The first one said, gesturing grandly to the door.

"Thank you sir," Karayan replied, and with only a moment's hesitation, stepped through.

The next room was darker than the last, and the only source of light was a candle in the middle of the room that cast a bright, white glow in a small circle around it, and glinted off of shiny things. Just opposite Karayan, sat a woman. She was very stunning, as far as he could tell, and had long white hair, deep purple eyes with long, thick black lashes, and was clothed in garments of purple and black.

Ah yes, purple and black. Perfect evil sorceress colors. That's original

"Welcome, Karayan Batal. I've heard you are looking for work. Will you serve me willingly?" She said. Her voice was low, and sweet and smooth as syrup.

Karayan shuddered to look at her, and was daunted by her eyes. But he felt drawn to her nonetheless. He bowed low. "Yes, my lady. I will do my best." He replied.

"Good." She smiled. "Please, sit, and tell me about yourself."

Karayan sat down opposite her, and began to tell her of his life.

It might seem strange, but Karayan had no trouble at all talking to her. She never interrupted, and kept urging him to go on. Karayan told all of his sorrows, from causing his father's death, his mother's remarriage, and the constant abuse. She seemed truly sympathetic, and agreed with him on everything. It was wrong of his mother to remarry, when she could have sent her perfectly able bodied and willing son to work. It was terrible that Tonel treated him and his mother so terribly. Some animals were treated better. Everyone was wrong, except Karayan.

No. 1 sign of a bad influence amiright? I mean, yeah, a good advice giver should be able to tell the advice giver when they're being dumb, but were it not for the sketchy atmosphere this could be just two pals hyping up

Karayan watching now remembered, and realized his folly. The Sorceress had always been using him. She'd always treated him as her puppet. Her lackey.

But I gave you power.

^ i figure ya'll should know my manner and tone by now, but just so's ya know, that ain't me

Karayan's blood ran cold at the voice. "Who--Who's there?" He called.

One who was sought for you long.

Karayan knew the voice. That terrible voice. It had told him to do everything. Everything wrong. "No! Go away! Leave!" He cried. He wanted no more magic or tricks. No more Sorceress.

The voice laughed, You can't just tell me to leave. I'm here for a purpose. To show you who you really are. I can help you, just let me back in.

"No!" Karayan cried. "Never! I don't remember the details, but I do know that it was all your fault. And no, I won't let you back in. Leave me alone!"

A cold brooding silence settles over him. He looked back to the scene before him. Young Karayan was now silent, listening to the Sorceress. Beautiful lies were on her lips, telling him things that sounded nice, but were evil.

See, one of the things I really want to revamp in this story is the whole morals thing. Earlier when iphnis was bringing karayan over to the "good side" he just had this realization that he was doing the wrong thing. Just boom like that. Like yeah, duh he was doing wrong but that's it? Just a realization and a "oh i'm good now". No!! There's gotta be more than that!! I had an opportunity for a whole what's wrong and right and why inner monologue but noooo he just suddenly understands that he's gotta do the right thing now. Maybe this should go back to that scene but it's relevant here too. So what is evil here? How does he know?

Karayan stopped his ears. He'd heard all that once, and it turned him into a monster. He wouldn't hear it again. But now he found that he could hear it well, though his hands were tightly clapped to his ears. This was all the Sorceress' work. She was doing this. Trying to win him back by making him remember all the wonderful things she told him. Well he had sense now. He wouldn't heed her. He'd stay strong. He didn't know what he'd done before, but he wouldn't do it again.

gurl i thought u like kicked him out smh. remember when you.. had your underlings beat him to a pulp and then threw him out on the garbage heap? remember sis? well you did sooo that ship has sailed now.. leaf my boy alone *squares up*

Aren't you so brave. The voice uttered. Let's see how brave you are when you remember.

"What?" Karayan questioned.

I can make you suffer. Never doubt that. You will pay for defying me. The voice growled low and menacing, it seemed right in his ear.

Karayan looked again at the scene, then, before he knew what was happening, he was thrust into it.


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