~Nov 19

3 0 0

At 4351 words, minus my commentary, i believe this is the longest, or one of the longest chapters of the story. Consulting the NaNoWriMo website with all of my stats, indeed, my wordiest day was on Nov 19, 2016, though it said 4292 words.maybe I added something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever

Caderik led them a little ways and through a copse of trees and there before them was a gaping entrance to a cave in the mountain. They all entered and Miryanna was greeted by the sight of a busy and efficient large group of people all working at different jobs. Miryanna was awed by the sight. This wasn't like Alarick's base at all.

"You'll probably see some things you wouldn't have seen back at Alarick's," Caderik was saying. "Here at this base, we're taking a more aggressive stand against the Vanags and their evil deeds. They're getting more bold in their actions and we have to do something to stop them. If they're getting more aggressive, we have to also." He explained vehemently.

still have no idea what the vanags actually do lol

He continued to explain the workings of the camp and soon, Miryanna and Andarin knew everything they needed to about how they operated and what roles they were to play.

The days passed and Miryanna and Andarin both adjusted to the new life. They were both homesick sometimes, but it helped to have something to do.

One day, Roric took Miryanna aside into the woods into a little clearing and tossed her a sword. She failed to catch it, but picked it back up from the ground.

"It's about time you learned a bit more about self-defense," He said to her.

"Self-defense?" She said dubiously. She had always been a lady, and while there were exceptions, ladies didn't swordfight. Or fight in general.

Roric nodded. "Unsheath your sword and I'll teach you some stuff. It'll be useful, now that you're a full time member of the Erglis and the Vanags are getting more violent." he took a swordsman's stance and Miryanna unsheathed her sword and tried to mimic.

okay i guess they're getting more violent

Roric pointed out all the flaws she was making and then taught her some moves.

The sword was heavy and Miryanna was glad she'd been strengthened somewhat from the hard climb up.

They spent an hour in the clearing and by the end, Miryanna was worn out and ready to quit. The sword felt heavy and clumsy in her hands and she wondered how Roric had become so good. The sword almost seemed like an extension of his body.

After they sheathed their swords and put them away, Miryanna started back towards the cave, eager for a drink of water, but Roric called her back.

"Miry, there's still some skills I intend to teach you,"

She groaned, "Like what?" She turned back.

He held up his bow and arrows and grinned, saying nothing.

She groaned again, "I need a drink and I'll be right back out,"

"Just don't take too long," He called after her.

She sighed, as that had been exactly what she intended to do. She got her drink and went back to Roric.

"Ready?" He asked.

She nodded.

He handed her a bow and some arrows. She figured archery couldn't be as hard as swordfighting, but she was kind of wrong, kind of right.

that is very easy to do

He first taught her how to string the bow, then how to load and aim. It wasn't as simple as she'd originally thought. When it came to drawing back the bow, she found she couldn't quite bring it all the way back.

Half of the Kingdom(ft. commentary)Where stories live. Discover now