~Nov 3

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Nynesi responded with yawning and rubbing her eyes, "Pretty good. I could've gone for more though,"

Miryanna laughed at this. "Yeah, sleep is always welcome after a long day like that,"

Nynesi nodded and returned to her food. Miryanna also continued eating.

As she ate, she thought about the feast last night, which led her to think about the mysterious note left at her vanity. She still wasn't sure whether to take it seriously or not, but the symbol etched in it made her want to. Would someone really make up a symbol to scare someone? And more, what was would such a prank accomplish? Miryanna sighed and decided to concentrate on her food. Very good food too.

i could have gone into detail about the cusine of the nobles and where they get it and why they eat what they eat bu t   noooooo

She was distracted from her thoughts once again when her father came over to bid her good morning.

"Morning, Miry," He said as he took a seat by his daughter,

Miryanna smiled, "Morning, father How did you sleep?"

"Better that I have in a long while," Her father replied, laughing. "You've no idea how uncomfortable the sleeping places of the Fasiks are."

everything is relative my guy

Miryanna's bows rose, "Uncomfortable?"

"Well, their beds, or what they call beds, are merely a few pieces of cloth laid on the ground in their tents. They're nomads, you know, and while the coverings are usually rich furs, I could still do with more underneath."

"Indeed. I know the things I like most about sleep is the soft mattress and warm covers," Nynesi put in.

"Haha, well, now I'll never take it for granted again," lord Dominic said.

Now that Miryanna was done with her meal, she headed back to her room to finish cleaning it. She started with putting away her clothing that was lying around, and putting the dirty clothes into a basket. She then went to her vanity to put away all the spare pins and other hair and face ornaments, and was again confronted by the mysterious note. She sighed, not really wanting to try and figure it out right now, but she saw no better time, so she sat down and picked it up again. The same misspelled words stared back up at her,

so she's a noble, related to the queen, but she cleans her own room, dresses herself, does her own hair. man, i really should have gotten around to what a noble really in this culture and what their duties are and what that involves and everything

Tel no un truble arund the cornor

The strange device of the lion and the serpent. She really wanted to tell someone about it, but she still wasn't sure if she should take the message seriously or not. She decided that it was best to take seriously at first until it was proven that is was just a joke. Better to appear a fool and stay safe than potentially ignore a note that could prove more grave than she had first thought. With that thought in mind, she finished with her room and headed to the battlements with a good book in hand. She was right out of the door when she figured that a cushion would be nice to have, what with the hard stones of the battlements, so she grabbed one of the pillows from her bed and continued in her quest.

*epic music starts playing*

She smiled as soon as she reached them. The breeze was simply marvelous and the morning sun bright and warm; the view was as beautiful as ever. The very far distance, was still shrouded with mist and gave it a ghostly appearance. She placed her cushion on the ground and sat down with her book and was deliciously engrossed in it for over two hours.

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