~Dec 27

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A way to bring about peace. I wasn't really paying attention, but in the end, and after a huge amount of talk, they decided that one of them, Naksul, would stay." Nynesi finished.

nynesi if you're going to be queen one day you gotta pay a bit more attention

Miryanna pondered for a bit. She knew that the king had been negotiating with Amani for some time before she left. Nynesi didn't seem to know much about it, so Miryanna decided that she would ask for a more detailed account from her uncle later.

"What did you think of him at first?" Miryanna asked.

"Oh, at first I didn't like him. He was charming and handsome and everything, but something about him put me on edge, like you, and his red eyes gave me the creeps. But, as time went on, I found that he was quite nice to be around. Eventually, he became one of my suitors, and I might add, he's my favorite so far." Nynesi finished with a giggle.

so there's being uncomfortable around a person because you don't know them and they're different , and then there's being uncomfortable around someone because they're legitimately creepy. also how many suitors has she had? buncha gold diggers tryna become king consort

Miryanna frowned slightly at her cousin's words, "But isn't he way older than you?" She asked.

"Oh, he's only twenty six," Nynesi replied.

"Yeah, and you're 18. That's an eight year age difference."

how big an age gap is a big age gap in terinnia? 8 years i guess. it's worse because she's only 18. if she was 22 and he was 30 it wouldn't be as bad.

Nynesi shrugged, "I guess so, but it's not like he's old. He's still young."

he is young. really young for all the stuff i've vaguely outlined for him to have accomplished. I must think about whether to change that or to run with it

Miryanna gave a half hearted reply, feeling grieved that her cousin felt the way she did about such a person. She wondered if his smooth enchanting voice had something to do with her infatuation.

spoilers if i met a super hot guy that had a super nice voice and was interested in me, i would dive headfirst into that, my guys. headfirst. the fact that he might be of questionable affiliations only makes him more hot. just so he punches nazis and drinks his respect women juice every morning.

Nynesi changed the subject and she and Miryanna talked late into the night.

Another day passed, and Miryanna was again confronted by Karayan asking who the guy from the library was. Again she refused to answer. He kept asking, and she kept on refusing and ignoring. Finally, she told him that the guy was someone she met in the mountains and that he'd have to be content with that.

Miryanna acquainted herself with the palace and its workings, and the city and its streets and ways. Byt the end of the week, she felt quite at home again. Except, of course, for Karayan being there, but she got used to it and was able to ignore him. Iphnis made no more direct appearances, but Miryanna would still see a gleam of icy eyes, of a flash of pale hair sometimes.

i'm still trying to work out iphnis being there. is he bilbo bagginsing his way around the palace? doesn't he have a curfew.

One morning, Miryanna was wakened by a knock at the door. She opened her eyes slowly, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. "Yes?" she called groggily.

"Andarin Dohmnall is here to see you, Milady," A voice responded.

Andarin? Miryanna perked up immediately. "Tell him I'll be there as soon as I can," Miryanna called to the messenger as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

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