~Nov 13

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Karayan grinned, but not in a friendly or pleasant way. He withdrew one of the knives from its sheath and tapped the wall of the carriage where the driver was the other side. "Stop here,"

Accordingly, the carriage slowed to a halt. Karayan grabbed Miryanna's arm and opened the door. He jumped out, dragging her along with him and she landed ungracefully on the ground and felt like her arm nearly wrenched from its socket. She gasped at the pain and Karayan quickly brought her upright.

"Here we are. Have fun getting back to the castle," He snickered and got back inside the carriage which started moving again as soon as he was inside.

Karayan is lawful evil for most of the story but that had strong chaotic vibes

Realizing that she was being left behind to fend for herself, she screamed and tried to run after the carriage. "Stop! Please! I don't know the way!" She cried after them. She heard Karayan's laughter at her failing attempts and the carriage only went faster. Soon, it was out of sight.

It had been evening when she been kidnapped and by now it was night. The sun was completely below the horizon and she could barely see at all in the dark. She sniffled avg started crying again, not at all sure where she was or how she was going to get home. She hadn't been paying that much attention to the ride and how many twists and turns the carriage had made. She didn't know how dangerous it was to stay outside during the night hours and her stomach kept reminding her how long it had been since she last ate.

Seeing nothing better to do, she started walking. She was on a road and could feel with her feet when she left it. She didn't know for sure where she was going, but it was somewhere and that was better than nowhere. Her hands were still tied so she also worked on loosing them. She did so as she walked and eventually got the bonds undone. She'd completely lost track of time so for all she knew the sun had only just disappeared behind the horizon, or it had been dark for many hours.

The moon was only a sliver of light, but there was a multitude of stars. She knew if there wasn't that light source, she'd probably go crazy from not being able to see anything. She tried to look around, but though numerous, the stars could only give so much light. She didn't see anything that looked like a town or city, and the land was extremely flat. She saw the dim outlines of mountains and she knew that meant that was north and since they were to her right, that meant she was going west. At least she knew what direction she was going. But if she didn't know what direction they'd exited the city from, she could be going further away.

later in the story i say it takes about a week or two to reach the mountains, but slow travel though they have, unless the land is immensely flat and/or the mountains immensely tall, if it takes at least a week to travel there you definitely could not see it. unless the mountains are indeed exceedingly tall and the world is flat. which is actually a possibility. i haven't really thought about it.

She sighed in frustration. Did that Karayan Batal really only kidnap her just to cause turmoil? She didn't really trust anything he'd told her. While the bit about him being from the Empire of Amani could be true, she still disbelieved him. And why were his eyes red? She knew that sometimes Amanis had strange and almost inhuman characteristics. She heard of one who had scales instead of skin, but that had always seemed too farfetched to her. A strange eye color was more believable, but glowing? Well, also more believable than scales. It was said that long long ago, before the Empire was officially established, the peoples had interbred with strange and magical creatures, but that was just a legend. Wasn't it? Miryana didn't really believe in magic, and she thought herself too old for so-called "magician's" sleight-of-hand.

more worldbuilding and insights that everyone wants to here more about but doens't get touched upon often enough. Also girl you just said you didn't belive he was amani and then brought up evidence that he was? that was my fault acctually. Sometimes characters do stupid things and it's their fault, but in this piece of work.. it's probably the authors fault. 

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