~Nov 18

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That night, they sat around the campfire and talked. Mainly about event happening and what the Erglis were going to do about it, and also some about what roles they were going to play and what they were going to do when they reached the camp. They talked long into the night, and it was Roric who finally suggested that they stop jawing and get some sleep. They chuckled and took his suggestion.

As Miryanna lay on her bedroll that might, she gazed up at the stars, wishing she could reach up and touch one. Perhaps, they were a thing too beautiful, too perfect for mortal hands to touch. Her mind also turned to her family and how they were. She knew that they all must heartbroken that she run away, and she second guessed herself whether she really should have run away. Isn't it better to just be honest with your family and friends? She sighed and rolled over and fell asleep.

Nynesi finished brushing her hair and just sat there, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her shining dark hair gleamed in the candlelight. She sighed. Why had Miryanna left that way? She didn't even say goodbye. Her uncle said he saw her slip through the window after he'd heard the sound of a ruckus coming from near her room. Nynesi looked at herself in the mirror, inspecting herself. She knew she was beautiful, but her eyes were red form weeping lately and she'd had to put some face cream on to cover up the redness.


"Oh, Miryanna, why'd you have to leave me?" She asked her mirror, tears welling up in her eyes again.

"I'm sure she had her reasons," A voice said in the darkness.

Nynesi leaped out of her chair and whirled around, searching the darkness for the source of the voice. "Who's there?" She asked with trepidation.

A figure slowly stepped out from the shadows into the candlelight. It was a man. He had a black cloak on, but it was parted and she saw he was wearing a long vest that looked to be made of leather that reached down the the middle of his calves, tall boots, a blood red colored shirt and leather bracers on his arms. Around his neck was a heavy pendant. On it was etched a picture of a serpent that had its coils wrapped around a lion and was choking it. The serpent had a sneer on its face. Above this image were the words, We Will Conquer.

well if that ain't a calling card

"W-Who are you?" She asked the dark figure. She was tempted to scream and let the whole castle know he was here, but something about him made her want to find out what he wanted first.

"Please, don't be frightened," he said to her. His voice was positively enchanting. Low and deep, yet soft and smooth as cream.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Well, I was seeking an employee to join my little band, and since you were the king's own daughter, I thought you might be interested,"

"Wait, what does me being the king's daughter have to do with anything? What kind of employment are you talking about?"

"Let me explain," He said. His hood had been up the whole time and she hadn't been able to see his face. "Now, promise you'll not scream and I can take my hood off."

Nynesi was a bit confused, "What does my screaming have to do with you taking your hood off?"

"You'll find out, just promise not to scream," Was his only reply.

Nynesi shrugged, still a little scared by this stranger. "Alright,"

He took off his hood and looked up at her. Nynesi nearly did scream, for his eyes were red as rubies and they glowed.

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