~Nov 2

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"Ah, excellent," The king responded. "By all means, go into more detail."
And so Miryanna's father and the king discussed such matters for a good long while. It took a long time, but when everything was all laid out and everything, her father, the lord Dominic Heolstor, came to greet his daughter.

They embraced and lord Dominic inquired about everything that had happened in his daughter's life while he was away. Miryanna was only too happy to indulge.

When she was finished with her eulogy, she in turn asked her father about his trip and how things had gone.

"Well, let's see," he said thoughtfully, recalling all the details, "You know that I went to the kingdom of Fasik and they're considered in all respects to be barbarians,"

Fasik is based off of middle eastern/slavic cultures so is it any wonder that terinnia the european culture thinks it's barbaric?

Miryanna nodded,

"So it was to my great surprise that they're not really that barbaric at all."

*mind blown*

Miryanna's brows raised in surprise. "But every account of them paints them as... not so genteel people,"

"It's true, their manners and some of their customs are not what we would consider exactly civilized, but if you think about it, there are some that we have that confuse them, but that doesn't make them barbaric."

objectively, this is a good point, but I do wish there was more tact in, well, almost everything about this story

Miryanna thought on this for a while, "I guess that makes sense, but tell me more about them,"

Dominic smiled and humored his daughter. "Well, they're very great warriors and engage in a lot of battles with other peoples surrounding them. You see, the other people are the ones who attack them, trying to gain their land, and thus their people, being very proud and not wanting to give up their hard earned territory, fight back, and are very good at it, to. Because of their expertise in fighting styles, they're good allies to have if a war breaks out."

I'm sure there's more socioeconomics to it, but w/e

"Ah, I think I see how this works," Miryanna said, "They're kind of forced into being what they are,"

hmm, what if instead, they really enjoyed being savage warrior people for the sake of being savage warrior people? would that give them more or less depth?

"Exactly." Her father agreed. "Well, I guess I should probably see if there's anything the king needs me to do," Dominic said and got up from where he was sitting, " I'll see you at supper, dear one."

anything the king needs me to do. just pop into the office "hey bro, anything you need me to do or anything?"  "yeah sure bro i got some uuhhhh spreadsheets to knock out bro" "cool bro i'll get right on that"

I digress. That was just so vague and insightful into the fact that i really wouldn't know what the king would have him do because i don't know how countries work

"Alright, see you then," Miryanna replied.

After her father left, Miryanna didn't quite know what to do with herself. Well, better try and find Andarin and Nynesi, since I rather abandoned them after father returned, she thought with a twinge of guilt. She got up and started looking in several places with no success, she tried the battlement again, and sure enough, there they were.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you," Miryanna exclaimed when she saw them.

"Well now you've found us," Nynesi replied rather coldly.

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