~Nov 23

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"I did want some excitement, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind," Blax murmured.

it's never what any of us had in mind

Miryanna nodded, "I understand. When I first joined the Erglis, at first I was only an information gatherer, but I wished for more,"

"I'm an information gatherer too," Said Blax.

because there are no other occupations to have

"A noble and good thing to be, but I wanted more,"

Blax slowly nodded, "I want to be more too, but Pathagari says it's to dangerous and won't let me,"

kindred spirits

"Let me tell you Blax, that's what I felt like but Andarin didn't want to put me in a dangerous situation. It was only after my aunt died and I was kidnapped that he let me. I ran away from my home," She gestured back to the city, "and went with Roric and Andarin up to Caderik's base. From then on, there was no turning back."

again with andarin having to let her :/

Blax said nothing for a bit, taking in the information. Finally he said, "Do you have any regrets?"

Miryanna thought for a moment. "I wish I could have stayed with my family. They didn't know I was an Ergli and wouldn't have understood my leaving, so I just ran away."

"How long ago?"

"Oh, let me think. Almost a year and a half ago,"

"And you're from Campel?"

Miryanna nodded.

"And your name's Miryanna?"

Miryanna was starting to wonder what he was getting at. She nodded.

"And you aunt was murdered right before you left?" Blax asked again.

Miryanna clearly remembered saying that her aunt had died not that she was murdered, but it was what happened, so she nodded again, starting to get an idea of what Blax was getting at.

"You're Miryanna Heolstor! Daughter of lord Dominic Heolstor. Niece of the king himself!" He exclaimed.

he's connected the two dots

"Shhh," Miryanna out a finger to her lips, "Yes, it's true, but you can't scream it to the entire countryside, my father would be after me in a minute and then I'd be locked in my room till goodness knows when."

"Sorry, sorry," Blax muttered. "But you've seen, met and talked with the king!" He exclaimed, more silently now.

"Yes, I have I love my uncle dearly, but I worry about him. His reign has been declining and I can only wonder if it has something to do with my running away." She said worriedly.

They didn't have any more time for talk, for they'd reached the copse of trees.

Yanev had started to wake up and was moaning in Roric's arms.

oh right all that went down

They disappeared down the passageway, and almost ran into Wis.

"Oh, oh my, well if it isn't Miry herself," She said embracing Miryanna.

"Hello, Wis," Miryanna smiled, "But I'm afraid we have some more urgent needs. Are Alarick Caderik and Pathagari still in council?" She asked.

"Why, yes they are, and--oh, child, what happened?" She asked, going over to Roric who had a very beaten up looking Yanev in his arms.

"Roric, this must be Yanev, oh, what happened to the child?"

"Karayan, that's what happened," Roric muttered bitterly.

frikin karayan

Wis reached up and touched Roric's face which was also terribly torn up.

"What happened to you? The same thing?" Wis asked.

Roric gave a short nod.

"Quickly, Wis, can you take care of Yanev while we speak to the leaders?"Miryanna asked.

Wis nodded and started taking Yanev from Roric's arms, "Of course, I can dearys, you just go right along and talk to them,"

i had to have Wis call people "deary" and "love" as if she's a middle aged matron when she's still pretty young (early thirties)  of course, any age is mom friend age.

Roric hesitated before rendering Yanev to Wis' arms.

"Don't worry, Roric, we'll take care of as good as we did you," She said reassuringly.

Miryanna heard this and thought it must be a reference to a story Roric had once told her about how he met Wis and Stalles. He'd just joined the Erglis and had gotten in a skirmish with some Vanags. Roric escaped, but was wounded. He rode until he dropped of his horse from exhaustion, loss of blood, hunger, and cold. Wis and Stalles found him and got him back on his feet. From that day on, he'd always felt indebted to them.

part two of roric's Tragic Backstory™

and the vanags and erglis have pitched, physical fights? why? this sounds like a turf war that the king and a lot of other people would know about. are they... ??

They rushed down the passageways and burst through the door without bothering to knock.

"What? What's going on?" Alarick said bewilderedly as he and his fellow leaders stood up.

"Roric, what happened to you?" Caderik asked.

At the same time Pathagri was inquiring, "Blax, what's the meaning of this?"

"Forgive us, sirs," Miryanna said, "but there's something that happened whilst in the city that you should know about."

There was silence for a while.

Finally, Alarick said, "Well, you've burst in here, might as well give us a story," Alarick said and sat back down.

The others followed suit, but there weren't enough chairs for everyone, so the newcomers remained standing.

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