~Nov 29

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Miryanna opened the door to see Nynesi standing there.

"Hey, Miry, I was wondering if we could just, hang out?" She asked.

"Sure thing," Miryanna smiled, "come on in," she held the door open wider and Nynesi stepped in.


The two young women seated themselves on the soft bed and Miryanna continued with her hair.

"May I? It's been so long since I could play with your hair," Nynesi asked.

Why oh why didn't I develop this relationship more?

Miryana handed her the comb and towel and Nynesi stated in. The hair was almost done already, but Nynesi enjoyed it anyway. When she was done, Nynesi took her over to the vanity and closet and started seeing which outfit and what makeup Miryanna could use.

Miryanna was rather amused at this, as it had been a long long time since she'd last had the opportunity to wear makeup and rich clothing.

As I commentate on this part, I'm watching a show and it's one of those super dramatique chinese historical fantasy ones, and lemme tell you. Everyone needs obscene amounts of chiffon and silk. Everyone. Everywhere. Drape your house with it. Have all your clothing made from it. Wander through a fabric dyers shop all aflame with colorful hangings as the camera angles dodge away. 

"Oh, Miry, you used to have beautiful ivory skin, and now it's all freckles," Nynesi said with dismay.

freckles are cute tho

okay, so it's generally accepted that in cultures like these, freckled and darker skin are considered unattractive because they indicate that you have to work outside blah blah blah. But this is yet another instance where I allowed myself to fall into the Classic Fantasy World where I feel like everything just... the same... like.... ugh..    it feels like the authors don't stop to think about why the society is like this, it's just "it was like this in medieval europe so that's the way it's going to be here" and to me (and I know i'm not the only one), that's just getting reaaallllly stale. There's nothing wrong with having rules and stuff like that, it's always good to have some inspiration, but I like it when there's some explanation to it. Maybe people would be bored by world building exposition, but if you can work in skillfully, it might add a depth to your world. Or at the very least, get your own idea of why things are this way and it'll influence  the story.

this also personal as i'll be talking with a friend (T) about a fantasy and to her fantasy=medieval europe with dragons and fae. Once a friend (E) was dressed up as a servant for a fantasy party, she was wearing a lovely and simple blue and brown dress and T was saying that she couldn't actually have had a blue gown because In Medieval Times... and i said IT'S A FANSTASY WORLD MAYBE INDIGO PLANTS ARE AS COMMON AS DANDELIONS THERE THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS and another time T was telling me about the line of monarchs in the fantasy world she's developing and i commented that it sounded like some inbreeding going on there and she says yeah it's uncomfortable but that's just how it was back then and i was like IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY IT'S YOUR WORLD I UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE AN AESTHETIC BUT DON'T FORCE YOURSELF TO GO WITH THE UNCOMFORTABLE OPTION SIMPLE BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT WAS IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE DON'T DO IT so that is my personal story on this matter and now back to my also grossly medieval europe inspired fantasy story. :>

Mirynanna laughed, "Well, I had been spending long hours in the sun and rain and other weather," She said.

"What were you doing?" Nynesi asked.

Miryanna shrugged, "Well, I learned how to handle a sword and a bow pretty well; one of my friends taught me,"

you did a lot of other things too but because your author is an idiot she only wrote about the "cool" stuff.

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