~Mar 13

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Then he'd left, and come back, and now he was... banished. He felt numb. He went over what his father and brothers had said to him; what they'd done to him. His hand went again to his cheek. He fingered the cuts gingerly, and winced when they opened and started bleeding again. Well, there was nothing for it. He started going through his things, packing what he'd need in his smaller bag, and leaving the rest behind. He was absentminded and numb, and practicality drove him on.

i used to think gingerly meant roughly because ginger and ginger is quite powerful. that's still my first instinct when i hear it but i am training myself otherwise

He took off his sword, thinking it would call attention to himself, and put it with his bow. He packed some extra clothes, and a few of his little odds and ends. By the time the sun was high in the sky, he figured he was ready to depart. Part of him wanted to stay in these mountains and never leave, but the more practical part of him knew that staying would only cause more pain. So he got up and started walking. He had no clear destination in mind.

i really did not know where to make practicality and depression meet. I guess this is fine because he is so seriously whacked by everything but still has that survival instinct

He headed south down the mountain, his mind in a daze. He started to go down the hidden Gnome's path, but he couldn't find it. He remembered. Tears sprang into his eyes again and he choked back a sob. Nothing would be the same again.


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