Chapter 155

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Dr. Palladino sat alone at a table in the middle of the square. In front of him, installed on a tripod, was a camera that was filming him. He had earphones in his ears and a microphone in front of his mouth. He held his sweaty palms on his knees. Dr. Palladino looked at the small monitor in front of him, next to which lay a revolver and one bullet.

Noah stood behind him. The table, camera, Dr. Palladino and Noah were protected by inspectors, with their bodies. They stood in a perfect circle, with their backs turned towards them.

A huge screen was installed along the entire width of the television station building. The people that had flooded the square watched it in silence.

The Grasshopper placed a revolver and one bullet on the command desk. He watched the satellite image of the square in Megapolis. At precisely ten o’clock he switched on his camera and microphone, and established communication with Dr. Palladino.

When the participants in the Russian roulette appeared on the big screen, split into two halves, the entire square gasped.

“Good day, Dr. Palladino,” said the Grasshopper.

“Good day, Mr. Grasshopper.”

“Dr. Palladino do you see my revolver lying on the command desk?”

“Yes, I do.”

“That means that the command desk is locked. In the event that I lose this game of ours and if my head hits the desk, it won’t cause any change in the energy system.”

“I understand,” said Dr. Palladino.

“In that case, the shields from all the platforms and the Command will be automatically lowered at noon exactly, your time. This means that specialists will be able to enter this room and take over control of the energy system.”

“I understand,” Dr. Palladino repeated.

The Grasshopper took the bullet, placed it in the revolver and spun the barrel. Dr. Palladino did the same.

“Who will go first, Doctor?” the Grasshopper asked.


“No, I won’t. We’ll flip a coin. Tails – I go first, heads – you go first.”

“Alright,” said Dr. Palladino. He pulled out a coin from his shirt pocket, spun it in the air, caught it with one hand and placed it on the table. “Heads. I go first,” he said quietly.

At that moment the Grasshopper noticed something unusual on the satellite image of the square full of people. Near the television station building, under the large screen with his and Dr. Palladino’s images, was an empty space, with a colorful border.

He zoomed in.

The border was made up of children dressed in shirts of different colors, holding hands.

He zoomed in.

They stood around a funny gray-haired old man, whose colors were even more vivid than theirs.

He zoomed in.

The old man was holding a dog in his hands. And the dog was crying.

Dr. Palladino raised his revolver. At that moment he saw the Grasshopper place his right hand under the desk.

“Why are you putting away your revolver?! Where is your revolver, Mr. Grasshopper?!” shouted Dr. Palladino in panic.

“I’m changing the rules of the game, Doctor,” said the Grasshopper, returning the revolver to the holster on his right thigh.

“What do you mean?! You can’t do that! The game has started! We had an agreement, Mr. Grasshopper!”

“I’m going first, Doctor.”

Dr. Palladino couldn’t see what the Grasshopper was doing under the command desk. But he saw Grasshopper’s shoulder drop slightly when he took the revolver from the holster on his left thigh.

“You took the revolver with the full cylinder?” Dr. Palladino asked quietly, having realized what the Grasshopper had done.

“Goodbye, Dr. Palladino.” The Grasshopper placed the barrel of the full revolver against his temple. “It’s been a pleasure,” he said and pulled the trigger.

When the Grasshopper’s head fell on the command desk, everyone sighed in relief. And then nothing. They just stood in silence. All as one.

Dr. Palladino took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his jacket pocket. He tried to open the pack, but his trembling hands wouldn’t obey him. Noah walked up to him, took out a cigarette, lit it, and placed it between the Doctor’s lips. Dr. Palladino closed his eyes and took a deep drag.

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