Chapter 53

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When the jingle for the commercial break rang out over the speaker, Mr. Kaella waved to Prince and nodded towards the toilet.

“Of course, father. You’ve really held yourself heroically,” said Prince, while lifting his father from the armchair.

“Yes, I have… but now I have to… you know, not only… prostate but also digestion… we’ll be late for…”

“Don’t worry, father. We’ll cut the interview short. You take all the time that you need.. I’ll talk to Miss Babe.”

“Alright, son…”

Prince nodded to one of the bodyguards. “Take my father to the toilet.” He ordered the other bodyguard to stay and signaled with a glance towards the cameraman who was the only one that didn’t go out for the break, and was looking out through the huge portholes onto the submerged city.

The body threw out the terrified cameraman into the hallway, gripping his neck with iron fingers.

“Stay at the door and let me know when my father comes out of the bathroom,” Prince ordered.

“I understand, Mr. Kaella,” responded the burly lad, and he stood in front of the door which could not close completely because of the cables. He faced the hallway.

Babe didn’t get compliments from Prince about her thorough knowledge of history, because Prince immediately pounced on her, trying, as he had promised himself, to spread that gap in the middle of her lips. He grabbed her firmly with one hand around the waste and thrust his other hand under her jacket. In shock, Babe pulled her head back and held his hand in such a way that Prince’s fingers only managed to knead her breast only through the jacket.

“Prince, what’s with you? Do you want to mess up my makeup?”

Prince realized that Babe was right. He could not kiss her before the end of the interview.

“Alright, I’m sorry. I was wrong. But why don’t you let me…” he was still struggling with Babe, who was gripping her lapels tightly with both hands.

“Why don’t I let you?” Babe whispered passionately. “What do you think – that I’m made of stone? That I don’t want you?”

“Well then let me…” Prince released his grip around her waste slightly, intoxicated by her words.

Babe took advantage of the moment, broke free from him and ran to the large window.

“How can I let you,” she said to him while he approached her with a heavy step and even heavier breathing. “If I feel your hands on my breasts, my back, my nails, behind… down… everywhere, all over me… how will I finish the interview with your father? How? Prince… my Prince… I’m already going mad… when I just think of your hands, your body…” Babe was on the verge of bursting into tears.

Prince approached her and stopped with his hand by his sides. He looked at her with a serious gaze. And Babe was trembling, looking at him with eyes wide open, with the terrified gaze of a doe.

“From now on you’re only mine,” Prince told her in a firm voice.

Babe quickly nodded her head in compliance.

“I need such a wife. A Prince needs a Princess.”

“My Prince…” Babe whispered.

“To fight together, to create together… to give me strength when I am tired…”

“I will, I will, my Prince… Always by your side… always…”

“To win together… to be one body, one soul…”

“Yes, yes… one soul… my Prince… on a white horse.”

Being sensitive as she was, Babe completely surrendered to her emotions when her Prince uttered the word “soul”. She took his hand into her tender palms.

“Your State needs you, Princess. Even you don’t know what difficult times are approaching. To stand by my side during them, to be the model, the ideal for Consumers throughout the world. My Princess, we face a great clash with the Non-Consumers,” the determined ruler gave away the greatest state secret to his heart’s desire. “That is why I need you. To be my flag, my standard…”

“I will, my Prince, I’ll be it… We’ll defeat them… I can see it clearly…” Babe raised her visionary gaze towards the ceiling of the submarine.

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