Chapter 11

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That night Mr. Kaella could not sleep. He tried yet again to explain to himself how it was possible that this was how this ugly world was repaying him for everything that he had done for it.

Having inherited his father’s company, Cosmic Energy Kaella, and having acquired companies for the exploitation and distribution of drinking water, as well as the companies for the production and distribution of food, he provided the great majority of the people on the planet with a decent life.

Unemployment was minimal, the loans comfortable. The water distribution system was extensive and efficient. Food was expensive but readily available. And that was what was most important. Cosmic Energy made all this possible.

In order for such a level of prosperity of the State to be sustainable, people had to fulfill only one condition: they had to spend. This is why at the beginning of his rule he ordered the President of the State to enter into the Constitution, into the first article, the following definition and obligation:

The social order of the State of Earth is Humane Capitalism. The fundamental value of Humane Capitalism is consumption, because one person’s spending provides work and income for another person. This is why consumption is the constitutional obligation of each and every citizen of the State of Earth.”

It was not by chance that he called his social system Humane Capitalism. In the entire history of mankind only he had the right to do such a thing. Because he was the most humane ruler of all times, there was no doubt about it.

“Who else provided his people with water, food, cooling, transportation, education, healthcare, jobs…” Mr. Kaella thought to himself. “Everything, absolutely everything that a civilized person needs. And without any discrimination, on any grounds. What else can you give a person? What? Thanks to Cosmic Energy and my family, there haven’t been any wars in a century.”

“And what does this Pascal Alexander want? He wants freedom, the right to choose, he says. To buy what he wants or to not buy at all. To spend when he wants or not to spend at all. Is that it?” The fuming Mr. Kaella shook, alone in the enormous bed in the Presidential Suite, with his entire elderly body.

“And what about those people… what about those companies whose products Mr. Aleksandar and his Non-Consumers don’t want to buy, whose services they don’t need? What will happen to those people and their families, Mr. Alexander?! I ask you this! How will they earn money and pay their bills for energy, water… What will they give their children to eat when their companies go bankrupt because of you? What?! You soulless selfish animal!”

“I have to stop doing this,” Mr. Kaella said out loud. “My poor body can’t take it anymore.”

For years he had tortured himself by trying to understand the villains. Good cannot understand evil. This was a simple fact that he must accept. But he can and must fight against evil. And he will fight. Starting tomorrow, until the final victory. 

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