Chapter 70

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Mayor Julius Seneca, standing next to the window of his office, appeared on the screens of the people who were watching Megapolis television. He was a man of medium height with wide shoulders, a square face with a strong jaw, hair the color of ripe wheat, neatly trimmed and parted. The gaze of the light brown eyes was once again calm and poised.

The Mayor always dressed elegantly. His suits, shirts, ties and shoes were always in the seasonal colors, but always the lightest available shade.

Even though he did not intend on emphasizing the contrast to Erivan’s black, standing there in front of the cameras in the beige suit, with his physical appearance, it was precisely this impression that he made on the viewers, who he addresses with the following words: 

“Dear citizens of Megapolis. I would like to express my deep condolences to the families of all the people who died today.

“The war, which the new president of Earth just declared, does not apply to us, it doesn’t exist. Because Mr. Erivan, appearing as the president of the Consumers, has announced war on the Non-Consumers. We, the citizens of Megapolis, don’t know what this division means. And we don’t want to know. We will defend our city from anyone who dares to attack it.

“The Megapolis region, with the armament, numbers and capabilities of its Inspectorate, represents the largest individual defensive force on Earth. This is why I am deeply convinced that no one will dare come even close to us.

“Dear citizens, I expect you to continue with your daily lives and work. Megapolis, with its water supply, fields of wheat, plantations and farms, with its diverse industry, is completely independent from anyone else. We will survive autonomously for as long as it takes.

“I also want to send a message out to those living among us, and who think that they might take advantage of the moment and impose their ideologies on us, regardless of what they might be – that I will decisively prevent that. Any violence in Megapolis will be stopped and punished.

“And another thing… I’m appealing to the youths, to the pupils and students. Don’t allow anyone to lure you onto the path of hatred and conflict. Continue studying, peacefully as you have so far. That is the only way that you can defend your city.”

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