Chapter 61

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“Why would I spend money on space exploration?” Mr. Kaella wondered in front of the viewers. “It could have paid off if we knew that in some remote corner we would find consumers similar to us. Because we could sell our products and service to them and make a hefty profit.

“But they don’t exist. It’s only us. What do I care if there is water on some planet out there? Like, life is possible. Let that life transform itself into a consumer, my buyer. Then we can talk.”

“You’re trembling, my Prince… you’d rush me… take off my jacket… raise my skirt… and I would tuck my hand into your pants…”

Babe was losing control of herself, which was uncharacteristic for her. Her case was the most striking evidence that the sense of power, as the strongest aphrodisiac, acts equally in both directions, on males and females alike.

“My arrow, my lightning… from my crown… from me… from my soul…” Prince’s eyes were pinned to Babe’s bellybutton. “You aimed the arrow downward… towards your… towards her… That’s what you meant! That she is only mine… your intimate thing… You… you are only mine, Princess!!!”

“I cannot stand it any longer either, Prince, I can’t… I need you immediately… now. Call a limousine for the two of us… call…. And do you know what I’ll do to you? I’ll wrap myself around you. I’ll squeeze you both with mu hands and legs. And I won’t let you go until you pour the last drop of your semen into me, Prince Kaella! And I’ll bear you a son! A true Kaella! Not only a Prince of Earth, but emperor of the entire Universe. And my blood will rule this world for a million years! Just watch, Prince… Watch!”

Babe suddenly spread her legs. Prince did not bend forward. An invisible force threw him back into the armchair. He saw what his fluorescent lightning was pointing at.

A gold chain was intertwined with the black threads of Babe’s lace thong. Hanging on it was a gold coin, which Babe had commissioned from a goldsmith, in the greatest secrecy. Engraved on the gold coin was a profile of Prince Kaella, crowned with a laurel.


The only state institution for which Prince Kaella did not limit the budget was the Organization for the Protection of the State and the Constitutional Order. The Organization had been formed and was personally commanded by Erivan. It was made up of squads labeled with letters.

The organization was popularly called Erivan’s squads, and its members – squires.

Charlie, the leader of C Squad, which Erivan had assigned to protect Mr. Kaella and his son Prince at this decisive, historic moment, put his finger on the Torpedo icon on the dashboard of his submarine. He then chose the Fire command.


Any man would be envious of Prince Kaella on such a death. He died looking at his highness basking in Babe’s pubic mound.

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