Most of them may have come from reputable backgrounds, thieves, ex-warriors and we must be careful of what other types of rogues we are dealing with. This bickering back and forth is not going to help. What we must do is learn from our opponents and I suggest that in order to do so we must continue to lay defensive rather than offensive. I will continue to the interrogation with the detained rogue and extract more information, but if we attack now, then there is a higher chance we will lose the war and that is something we cannot do." I ended with a sense of finality in my tone. All eyes faced me, I sensed the presence of their wolves within them as if conversing with their host. No one spoke, not yet.

I felt my wolf stir inside me, she sensed a lack of confidence in some of my fellow wolves and almost growled at their hesitation. Being the only female in a room full of male wolves had many disadvantages, their lack of trust was one thing, but their egos were another.

"How exactly will you extract this information? More or less, how did you get the information that you've obtained? Many have tried, the best and yet to no avail, but you, you have retrieved some valuable information. Please enlighten us on your methods," one brave council member spoke, a slight challenge in his voice.

"How dare you question my methods and with such challenge in your voice at that," I defended and I watched the man turn a dark crimson before he slunk into his seat.

"How I chose to interrogate this rogue is not much of your concern, by questioning it I sense a lack of confidence in your future Alpha. If you must know, torturing those locked up isn't always the best way. It's by gaining trust can one truly get the information," I asserted and looked into all the male eyes who surrounded me, each with a warning glint in my eye. My wolf puffed out her fur as did I, my back straightened against my chair and waited for any arguments.

The atmosphere in the room change drastically, the air was thick with tension as the pack council shot glances at each other others tucked their tails obediently behind them and nodded in support. In the corner of my eye, River shot me a smirk and glanced at my father.

"My daughter and your future Alpha is correct. By understanding our opponents will we succeed, she exemplifies that in her interrogation techniques. I agree, waiting until the time is right to strike is the best course of action. Gaining more information is crucial in our victory and I suggest you abide by it, and if you disagree you can speak with Armelle and she will sort it out accordingly. Council is dismissed." and with that, they all began to slowly exit out of the meeting room. I heard their hush tones once they exited and shut the door closed behind them and left my brother, father and I to discuss.

"The council members continue to lack faith in me," I sighed and placed my head in my hands.

"I agree, although they have trust in you, the extent of it is uncertain," my father agreed as he rubbed his chin with his thumb.

"Your suggestion was great, it was logical and will be effective in winning the war. Those idiots should have more confidence, you are their next Alpha," River defended and leant back in his chair.

"It's because I'm a girl. Those sexist wolves just don't believe a she-wolf could become Alpha," I fumed, biting my lip hard as I tried to maintain composure.

"Well, they better believe it because you are the next Alpha and you will be great at it. Some of the best Alphas were female, but the council members forget that." my brother grunted and I watched my father nod.

"These will be your future council members, remember that. They may be stubborn to accept change, but they do their best and are wise beyond your years. I have complete faith in you Armelle, they just need a little bit more of a push." my father insisted before he stood up from his chair, my brother and I followed.

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