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    Tord smiled softly and then got into the driver's side of his car. He started the car and then smiled at Tom. He pulled out of the parking lot and then drove him and Tom back home. Tom couldn't stop smiling and Tord noticed this because he hardly ever smiled. He glanced over at him ¨You feeling better?¨ Tord asked him feeling a smile heating in his own face. Tom looked over at him and nodded ¨I feel great¨ he said softly.

        Tord pulled up to the house and the two males got out of the car. Tord locked his car and walked beside Tom up to the house. Tord held the door open for Tom and Tom smiled before entering the house. Edd jumped up from the couch ¨I was worried sick!¨ he exclaimed pulling the two into a tight hug. Edd motioned for Matt to join in on the hug and he got up and hugged the three tightly.

      ¨There's nothing to worry about¨ Tom said trying to wiggle out of the hug. Edd pulled away from the hug and so did Matt. ¨Are you okay Tom?¨ Edd asked looking at him with a worried look. Tom nodded and then Edd looked at Tord and he nodded agreeing with Tom that in fact, he was okay. Tom took Tord's hand in his and smiled up at him, Tord looked down smiling back at him. ¨I need to talk to you in private¨ Tom mouthed to Tord. 

      Tord nodded in agreement and Tom took Tord into his room. Tom closed his door and then sat down on his bed. Tord sat beside Tom on his bed and Tom took a deep breath. Tord raised at eyebrow at Tom ¨What's going on Thomas?¨ Tord asked. Tom looked at Tord ¨I just uh....heh w-wanted to be a-alone with you¨ Tom stuttered with a nervous laugh. Tord smiled at him, knowing exactly what he wanted.

       Tord put his hand on Tom's cheek and Tom looked into Tord's eyes. Tord leaned in and kissed Tom softly. Tom kissed Tord back closing his eyes. Tord pulled away and Tom opened his eyes again wanting more. Tord pinned Tom down against the bed and then kissed him again. Tom kissed back softly wrapping his arms around Tord's neck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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