Smoke and secrets

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    Tom sat alone in his room, the darkness consuming him both physically and mentally. Tord would never like him like that. The way he'd been talking to Matt earlier, he saw them laughing and that made him blow a fuse. Edd Matt and Tord were playing a board game in the living room, oblivious to the fact that Tom was having a mental breakdown only a few rooms over. Tom laid down on his back, staring up into the darkness that was his room. Tord was losing badly at Monopoly, this was the third time he'd been put in jail.

    Edd was winning he had a ton of money and owned a good chunk of the property on the board. Tord looked up at the clock on the wall and then somehow his mind drifted off to Tom, he hadn't seen him since he had been playing Susan earlier. Tom had run out of Smirnoff so he got up and went in the kitchen to refill his flask. Tord heard the fridge open and got up, going quietly into the kitchen. ¨Look who's still alive" he commented, crossing his arms over his chest.

     ¨Barely alive¨ Tom corrected slamming the fridge door closed. Tord studied him, he looked terrible his hair was a mess and he looked like he could pass out at any moment. ¨Tom...I think you should go to bed¨ Tord suggested shooting Tom a worried look. Tom held up his flask ¨This helps me sleep¨ he said talking a large drink from the flask. ¨You know you could die from drinking as much alcohol as you do?¨ Tord informed, tilting his head at the blue hoodied male. ¨Yep¨ he replied taking another drink of his Smirnoff.

   ¨You can die from smoking cigars but who smokes them anyway¨ Tom pointed out, glaring up at the Norwegian. ¨Okay, okay¨ Tord surrendered holding his hands up. Tom rolled his eyes and pushed past Tord. ¨Hey...come back here Jehovah. I'm not done with you¨ he called after him. Tom spun around and locked eyes with Tord ¨What do you want?¨ he asked sounding annoyed. 

   ¨I want to talk to you while you are somewhat sober¨ Tord said looking at the flask that was clutched tightly in Tom's right hand. ¨Well, I'm listening¨ Tom replied flatly. ¨Come on, let's talk outside¨ Tord suggested, leading the way. Tom sighed and followed Tord out the front door. ¨You've been acting strange lately Tom" Tord started looking into his eyes, searching for some sort of answer in them but to no prevail. He knew Tom was going to say that he was fine even if he wasn't. 

    Tom looked down "I've just had a lot on my mind lately" Tom explained. He wanted to say you've been on my mind, but he remained quiet. "I always feel better about things when I smoke," Tord said, pulling out a cigar and holding it between his teeth patted himself down for a lighter and pulled one out of his back pocket.  He lit his cigar and then took a long hit of it before blowing the smoke out into the cold dark evening air. "Would you like a hit of my cigar Jehovah?" he offered, holding it out to him. Tom shook his head "I'm good" he replied, wrapping his arms around himself hoping that would somehow make him warmer. 

    Tord looked Tom over, he looked sad and Tord didn't understand why. Did he do something wrong? Did he mess up yet again? Tord bit his lip and stared off into the darkness. "If I said anything hurtful to you, Tom I apologize," he said so softly that Tom barely managed to make out what he was saying. "No, It's not you Tord" Tom reassured him. Well, it was about him, but not in a bad way. Tord looked at Tom "You sure?" he asked, running the hand that wasn't holding the cigar through his messy light brown hair.

   Tom watched as Tord did this, blush painting his cheeks. If Tord noticed his face would red he would just say he was cold, which was partially the truth. "I'm sure" Tom assured softly. Tord removed his hand from his hair and took another drag of his cigar. Maybe a hit of Tord's cigar wasn't such a bad idea.

   Tom took a deep breath choosing his words carefully in his head before saying them aloud. "Could I have a hit of your cigar Tord, I've uh changed my mind" Tom said looking up at the Norwegian. "Okay," Tord said, carefully handing him the cigar. Tom inspected the cigar and then took a hit of it. He closed his eyes all he blew the smoke in the air, the cigar calmed him down just like Tord had said it would. 

   Tord watched as Tom did this and couldn't help thinking he looked kinda hot when he smoked. Tom opened his eyes and looked at Tord, returning the cigar to him "Thanks" he muttered. "Anytime" Tord replied a smile heating on his face. Tom smiled at Tord "You know, you're not so bad" he admitted before he could stop himself. "You're not too bad yourself," he said jokingly nudging Tom with his elbow. 

    Tom laughed "Bastard!" he teased. Tord hadn't seen Tom this happy in a long time, he was glad he could cheer him up. "Jehovah!" he responded with a smile. Then Tom suddenly had an urge to kiss Tord, he looked at his lips they looked soft. Tom caught himself leaning in toward Tord a little bit and quickly stopped himself. Tord looked at Tom, clearly confused. 

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