Beyond repair

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   Tord had come back a year prior, he was a total wreck and had convinced Edd and Matt to let him come back and live with them. Tom, however, was skeptical he simply just couldn't forgive the Norwegian that had almost killed him. Edd had tried to convince Tom to give him one more change to which Tom replied with "A chance to kill us all, yeah not happening" Tom argued.

"Thomas, he's different now trust me he won't-" Edd continued.

  Tom cut him off "Edd do you hear yourself, that man is not my friend nor will he ever be. We were never friends to begin with so how the hell do you expect to repair something that never fucking existed!" Tom yelled.

   Tord was pressed against the wall listening to their conversation. Tord sighed, he was going to have to gain Tom's trust and that was going to be a challenge. How in the hell was he supposed to do that anyway? Tord bit his lip, how come he could build thousands of complicated contraptions but he couldn't think of a way to become friends with Tom. Tom and Tord shared a room but somehow Tom always managed to ignore him. There was more shouting and then a door slamming. There was a moment of silence before the door swung open and Tom stormed into the room.

 Tord was laying on his bed on his stomach when Tom walked in. He glanced up at him and cast him a confused look, however, Tom totally ignored his presence and sat on his bed crossing his arms over his chest. Tord looked at him, Tom was pouting like a child. 

   "What are you mad about now Jehovah?" Tord questioned raising an eyebrow, he clearly knew what had happened because he'd been eavesdropping but played dumb anyway. "It's none of your business commie" Tom growled, annoyed by Tord's presence. "These walls are really thin Tom" Tord stated getting up from his bed. "So what?" Tom questioned, his voice cracking with anger. Tord leaned against the wall and buried his hands in his pockets "I don't care if you heard what I said Tord If I didn't want to hear what I said you wouldn't have heard it" Tom snapped at the Norwegian.

    Tord stared at Tom, glared rather. Tom glared right back at Tord before the door swung open. They both turned their heads quickly to see who had opened the door. 

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