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       Tom leaned against his door and then slowly slid down it, sitting on the floor in front of it. He sighed and pulled his hood up and crossed his arms. Tord stood in the same place, he didn't know what to do or say. Something strange was going on with Tom, but he couldn't quite put a finger on what it was. Tord took a deep breath before going over to Tom's door and gently tapping on it "Tom?" he questioned.

   Tom heard the tap followed by Tord's voice he was looking down at his checkered shoes. "Yes?" he replied softly. "Are you okay?" Tord asked leaning against the door frame. Tom sighed "I...I think so" Tom answered his voice shaking slightly. "I'll just leave you alone, sorry to bother you," Tord said standing up straight and turning away from the door. 

"No, Tord please don't go" Tom pleaded getting up off the floor and unlocking his door before opening it. Tord turned around to face Tom and looked at him, a little confused as to why he wanted him to stay but he didn't question it. Tom swallowed and then walked over to Tord and pulled him into a hug. Tord hesitantly put his arms around Tom and smiled softly. Tom closed his eyes, he felt so safe in his arms. 

    Then Tom realized what he was doing and pulled away. "Don't fucking touch me damn commie" Tom muttered before walking off in the direction of the living room. Matt got up from the stairs and went inside shutting the door behind himself. Tord went into the kitchen where Edd had set out breakfast for everyone. "Hey Tord, um are you alright?" Edd questioned looking up at the Norwegian. "Don't worry Edd I'm fine!" he lied, with a fake smile. 

    Tom was very confusing sometimes, one moment he and Tom got along the next they were fighting. Tord glanced into the living room, Tom was sitting on the couch zoned out completely. Tord bit his lip, debating on whether or not he should go say something to him. ¨Breakfast is ready everyone!¨ Edd announced with a bright smile. Matt's door creaked open and he came downstairs.

    Matt, Edd, and Tord sat down, but Tom remained on the couch.  It was like he was in some sort of trance. ¨Jehovah get over and eat your breakfast!" Tord requested playfully. Tom snapped out of his trance and turned his head to look at Tord ¨I'm not hungry¨ he replied flatly getting up and heading for the front door. Tord got up, he was going to try and at least see where he was going. Edd sighed and looked up at Tord ¨Just let him go Tord¨ Edd said quietly. 

   Tom went out the front door slamming it behind himself. He slammed the door so hard it made the pictures on the walls shake. One of them fell and shattered, Edd got up and went over to the picture squatting down in front of it. It was a group picture that Edd had taken on his phone a few months prior when they had gone out to get ice cream. Everyone looked so happy in that picture, even Tom was smiling.

   Edd sighed, he wished that everyone would just get along. Before Tord had come back Tom never behaved like this. When Tord was gone Tom was a lot more open and kinder, well as kind as Tom could get at least. He felt a hand on his shoulder and quickly turned to see who it was, he met eyes with Tord. Edd stood up and Tord pulled him into a hug ¨Don't let him get to you Edd¨ he said in a soft voice.

   Edd smiled ¨Thanks Tord¨ he replied gratefully. ¨Anytime, if you need to talk I'm here¨ Tord reassured pulling away from the hug and smiling at the green hoodied male. Edd nodded and then went into the kitchen to retrieve the broom and dustpan. He carefully slipped the picture out of the broken frame and set the picture on the counter. He threw the broken frame away and swept up the shards of glass that littered the floor.

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