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Thank you so much to DarielClaire for making the cover! Also, there's someone in the comments who has corrected my grammar they were judging my book and have a right to do so. Please be nice and respectful. Thank you.

You back away as the two men get closer and try your best to stop the ice.  

"Brother let me handle this," one of them says.

 A very pale man with black slicked-back hair walks up to you. 

"Please stay back," you whisper panicked, not wanting to hurt anyone anymore. 

"Please let us help you. We just want to help you."

You look down at your hands and watch as frost starts to grow around them. You close your eyes tightly waiting for your punishment for losing control again.

"Please let me help you," the pale man says.

You don't open your eyes and ice starts to surround you and everything around you. 

"Brother, I think it would be wise to get out of here," the pale man orders.

"But what about you?" a man replies who you assume is his brother.

"I'll be fine but do you really want the end of the great god of thunder to be because of ice? If someone is going to freeze you I refuse to let it be someone else," the pale man says

Someone, who you assume is the pale man's brother, scoffs. 

"Alright, fine but if you need help I'll be just outside." 

You hear footsteps and then the door open and close. You open your eyes a little to look at the pale man when he sighs. 

"No one's going to hurt you but I need you to calm down," he says softly.

You know he's lying but you also know you have to obey so you do your best to calm yourself down but it doesn't help much. The pale man sighs again this time sounding a little impatient. He sits down next to you. You can't help but flinch and move away a little. He rolls his eyes. 

"Look I really don't want to be here anymore so if you wouldn't mind packing up the freak show so I can go home that would be great." 

"Yes, sir," you whisper, focusing more on getting rid of the ice but it just seems to make it worse.

The pale man sighs. "You're wasting my time."

"I-I'm sorry," you stutter.

"Don't be sorry just hurry up and fix it." 

"Yes, sir."

You close your eyes and try to melt the ice but it just gets worse. You pull your knees to your chest. 

"Thor, I think we just need to take her in and put her in one of those cells. Talking her down isn't working," the pale man says into an earpiece. 

You hear the person on the other end say something but you can't make it out, not that you try. The pale man walks in. 

"What did you do to her, Loki, she looks worse than she did before! Go wait outside while I try talking to her!" the man who you assume is Thor says.

The pale man or Loki rolls his eyes but gets up and walks out. Thor walks towards you. 

"My name is Thor, what's your name?" 

"(Y/n)," you whisper quietly.

"Well, (Y/n), I sincerely apologize for whatever my brother said to you and for leaving you alone with him." 

You look at him confused but still make sure not to meet his eyes. Why would he be apologizing to you? Loki was nice to you. You didn't understand. Thor sits down next to you.

"I want you to close your eyes and imagine something peaceful. A good memory maybe or a relaxing tropical island just you, the waves, and the pina colada in your hand."

You do as your told thinking about the days when you used to play with your sister in your treehouse. You start to relax as you tune out everything around you and focus on the memories that have kept you sane all these years. The more emerged in the memory you become the more the ice starts to melt.

"Good that's it, you're doing great," Thor says softly.

Once the ice is completely gone Thor softly nudges you. You blink your eyes open.

"You did it! Good job, (Y/n), I knew you could do it!" Thor exclaims excitedly. 

You jump a little at how loud his voice is.

"Come with me, please. We can help you control your power." 

Thor stands up and offers you his hand. You knew you didn't really have a choice so you took his hand and let him pull you to your feet.  

Frostbite (Loki x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now