Chapter 26: What If I Smell Like Dog Still?

Start from the beginning

It took everything in me not to feel anything, I knew Ava would smell it, she'd sense how Veta's beautiful brown hair and the red dress killed me.

She stopped and adjusted her heel while balancing using the beam, "We'll go in this limo." Ava's voice cut through me and I nodded but Petra glared at Ava, "I'm not sitting in a limo with a bunch of half's." She warned Ava who nodded.

We took the other limo, Veta's limo.

I got in with Ava who sat me against the corner to keep me from anyone who entered, but Kyro got in and smiled at us before looking to Anya and Mikael who came in.

Haiden and Lue came in with that one idiot, Abel. They all packed in while Veta looked inside the limo and eyed Haiden, then Abel and lastly me. "Seems a bit packed, I'll take the other limo." She said stepping back and shutting the door.

Abel sighed, bummed, "It's cause you bought her a painting." He said looking to Haiden who scowled at him, "Shut up." Haiden replied rolling his eyes.

Lue nodded with Abel, "Yeah, you're an idiot for that." She said smirking at Haiden and then sitting back in her own happy pool of hatred. I'm glad someone told Haiden his gift was dumb.

The limo grew silent and we began to drive, it was an hour and a half before we got to the city, and the limo ride was extremely uncomfortable.

When the limo stopped, Haiden jumped out and smiled. He's trying to win back Veta, good luck asshole.

Lue watched him and stared back at me for a moment. Then she got out and took Kyro's hand pulling him with her.

Ava got out and I followed while she turned and took my lips, wanting to show her claim. I get it Ava, I get it because that's exactly what I want to do to Veta.

Normally, if a wolf touches their mate, it's unbearable to not touch again. But this was different, I know because even Veta wouldn't touch Haiden.

She went to Abel's side and took his hand while he pulled her into his arms and stood behind her grinning down at her. He's comfort for her, he's a safe place, and I envied for him for that. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd have gone to me instead, had Ava not been in the picture.

Vets grabbed Haiden' swatch and lifted it staring at the time "It's only seven twenty. I can get to the shop before it closes." She said looking back at him.

He laughed low, "You want to run all the way to the paint shop in those?" He asked looking to her heels. She stared down at them and gave a nod, "I need some paint thinner and a yellow oil paint." She said glancing back at me and then up at Haiden. my eyes.

I looked to Veta's father who handed her forty dollars, "Go and be quick. Abe watch her. Bring her back. Fifteen minutes Veta." He said while she nodded and Haiden ran with her down the street.

"Who runs in heels that nice?" Ava asked low and to herself.

I wasn't sure, but she looked amazing doing it.

"By the time we're seated and given our menus she'll be back." He assured Zelda who muttered that this was ridiculously rude.

She's already here, mine as well.

Haiden was uncomfortable and kept chewing the inside of his cheek and staring at the door while we waited in our seats. I sat back and looked to Ava who had her head on my shoulder.

The door opened and we all looked to see if it was Veta, but instead a man walked in with two other guys, they were all wolves. We can smell our own kind.

Their eyes ran over us territorial before the older one, probably in his mid thirties gave them a single stare. His scent though, it was so familiar, I've smelt it before.

Luca's eyes shot up and he sniffed the air before looking to the older one and glaring. Petra sat pale faced and afraid, her eyes moving to Luca and then him.

That's where I smelt it.

Luca didn't say anything, he just stood and went outside. Gianna followed after him and Veta walked in with Abel, both of them breathing rapid and laughing, "Veta almost snapped her ankle." He said to Lue who grinned at Veta.

I watched her sit between the siblings and stare at Petra and then the guy. Her eyes lingered on him with fear, then she stared at Ava, her eyes holding something that told me, Ava should know who this man is.

Ava was keeping her eyes on the floor and acting like she hadn't noticed him.

What does she know?

I stared back at Veta who caught my eyes and then shamefully looked away.

What happened?

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