






Then dean makes his way down through the crowd with a smug smirk on his face. I then look at randy and he looks mad " randy calm down" I said trying to calm him down. " don't let him get into your mind" I said looking him in the eyes and making him look into mine.

Dean then hops in the ring with a mic " kenzie kenzie kenzie , I don't think your helping him or he's helping you at all , I think the fans deserve to know what happened between us" he said smirking and then pointing towards the big screen. I frown and see the footage from the elevator the other night. randy then looks at me " As you know now that yes I kissed kenzie but what you don't know is that , she kissed me back. Oh and since you can't hear anything , she said that randy is nothing but a bad kisser" he said smirking. I then grab a mic getting mad " I did not say that , randy don't listen to him please , I told you what happened" I said pleading. He then grabs a mic " dean you are a dummy , because we didnt kiss before that happened so she wouldn't know how I kissed , but now she does" he said smirking then grabbing my face and kissing me and then I kissed him back smiling into it. I then pulled away smirking " oh yeah he's a great kisser" I said smiling. Then aj's music started playing I frown and then move closer to randy " your not the only one to know how good of a kisser randy is" she said smirking. Then randy and summer Rae kissing came onto the screen " oh hell no" I said getting angry. " it was her kissing me" he said. Then I slapped him right across the face and then got out of the ring walking up the the ramp " thank you Aj for making me realise that randy is nothing but a cheating ass" I said into the mic and then walking back stage.

I then walk to the divas locker room really mad " is summer Rae in here?" I said marching in. I then look over and see her looking afraid then I walked up to her " how dare you kiss randy!!" I said slapping her and pushing her down and punching her over and over again. Then I feel big hands wrap around my waist pulling me away from her " let me go!" I screamed. Then I get placed down outside of the locker room " what the hell!" I screamed looking at the person who pulled me away from her " I had to , you were gonna kill her" he said. " fuck off dean" I said walking away. " kenzie!" I hear my name and I turn around and see randy. " the date is off Randal , I thought you liked me" I said confused. " I do , but summer , I've been dating summer for a couple months" he said. " really? so you were planning on cheating on her?" I asked mad. " yes I was but I like you alot" he said. " I don't care , I'm never dating you or kissing you because I never know when your dating a skank like her" I said walking away.

" Kenzie!" I hear again and I turn around and see dean walking towards me. " what do you want dean?" I asked him annoyed. " I'm sorry about randy" he said moving Closer. " it's okay dean , I some how knew he had a girlfriend" I said looking down. " Kenzie , I won't let him touch you ever again'' he said moving my head up making me look into his eyes. " thank you" I said smiling. " I'm starting to actually like you as a friend dean , I think it's because you and Aj made me realise that randy Isn't the guy I should be with" I said walking away from him and then I walked to catering.

After smackdown

I get all my stuff from the divas locker room and then I made my way outside. " kenzie want a ride?" I hear from behind me and I see Seth Rollins and roman reigns standing there " yeah sure" I said smiling.

We get to their black range rover and I hop in the back and they hop in the front. " oh we just have to wait for dean" Seth said going into his phone. " oh okay not a problem" I said taking out mine seeing that I got a text from randy

R- kenzie please forgive me

So I reply with

K- no I don't like you anymore and frankly I never did .

Once dean gets back he hops into the car and sees me and smirks. " Hey kenzie" he said smirking. " hey dean" I said smiling. " okay , earlier you two hates each other what changed?" Seth asked us. " oh him and Aj made me realise that I shouldn't be with randy and now were sorta friends, but were gonna have to deal with each other for a couple months anyways" I said looking at Dean. " you two have some weird ass relationship going on" Seth said starting to drive us to the hotel. " we all should hang out this weekend , I have nothing to do" I suggested. " oh I do and I'm sure roman Does too" Seth said continuing to drive. " awe okay " I said frowning.

We then get to the hotel and roman and Seth take a different elevator than dean and i. " so kenzie , were friends?" dean asked me. " yeah I guess so" I said shrugging. I then look up and see dean right infront of me smirking " dean I don't want to fall for anyone right now so please don't do something you'll regret right away" I said warning him. " Oh kenzie , your my obsession my addiction , my drug , I can do whatever I want" he said smirking. " oh like what? kiss me again" I said smirking. He then leans in slowly so I move closer and we kiss until we both couldn't breath. " your a better kisser than randy" I said biting my lip. " oh really?" he asked with a smirk. " yep" I said smiling then getting our of the elevator and walking to my room but I hear foot steps behind me so I turn and see dean walking towards me again. " I don't really wanna go back to my room tonight , and I'm not tired. wanna hangout?" he asks me. " yeah sure" I said smiling and opening my room door and walking into my room plopping onto my bed. " make yourself at home" I said to him.


Hope you enjoyed it! ~ K

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