Chapter 25: Ah, Dickinson

Start from the beginning

My chest ached for Luca and I turned, slowly leaving the book store. My heart heavy as I realized I'm no better than that British guy. He's out here ruining a perfectly good relationship and now I'm thinking of doing it too.

God dammit.

I sighed and shoved the door open, hearing it smack hard before I shouted "I'm so sorry!" frantically at the girl.

Her eyes moved to me and she gave me the heaviest, angriest glare, "You fucking bitch!" Ava shouted.

Oh, shit.

Pulling my scarf off, I held it to her bleeding nose and she shoved me off her scowling at me, "Who opens doors like that? What are you? Some fucking barbarian? Jesus Christ, Veta." She said with a plugged nose.

Fuck. "I'm really sorry, I was just-I couldn't find Haiden." I lied, "I got scared, lost." I said lying some more.

She sighed and leaned her back into the book store, "Are you having breakfast with Haiden?" She asked in a disgusted tone.

Well, I figured it would be better than with Nikove, "Yeah." I mumbled.

Her eyes moved behind me and she grumbled, "Found him." She said annoyed before going inside and slamming the door shut behind her.

Oh crap! She's going to see Petra!

Or...maybe she knows?

I didn't look back at Haiden, instead I opened the shop door and went back in, sneaking back to the spot I was in earlier and watched Ava talk to Petra about me rudely.

She called me a Neanderthal, and sad excuse of a living form.

That didn't bother me as much as the way she just sat in the chair beside the sofa, not even caring that Petra was leaning up against a guy and exchanging kisses with him.

Once she went on about talking about her work, I left the book shop and noticed Haiden outside, sitting in a chair with a massive panting in his hands.

For fucks sake.

I stared at the painting and carefully approached him, "Hey." I said furrowing my eyebrows while he beamed up at me, "Mars. I hope you don't mind. I got you a little something." He said smirking.


Pretending to love it, I smiled and even gushed and tried to compliment the detail.

"I'm feeling really tired." I lied while he nodded, "Oh, alright well we can head back to town. I have some work to get to anyways." He said smiling.


We couldn't take the bus because it has only certain times so we took a taxi, and Haiden paid the hundred and forty seven dollar taxi like it was nothing.

He walked me to my house and I stopped at the front door, watching him smile down at me and stare at my lips. His eyes heavy on them, I know what he wants, and I think I want it.


I kissed his cheek and thanked him while he gave a nod and headed down the porch and street.

As he walked away, I noted his fine ass, but he pulled his phone out and didn't look back once to say bye again.

Sounds stupid, but it meant a bit to me.

Going inside, I shut the door and put the painting in my art studio, catching Nikove in the room across. He had a book in his hand and a pair of reading glasses on.

Haidens sexy. Haiden is lick whip cream off the abs, hot sex and rich extravagant gifts or roses with fine dining. Haidens wake up in the morning naked and disheveled, horny and hungover.

Nikove though, he's....warm. Nikove is cuddles on an old sofa with the scent of a book in the air. Nikove is poetic love notes on the mirrors and Daisy's. Nikove isn't luxurious, he isn't baseball players ass or rich dinners. But for some reason, his warmth is much more comforting than Haidens passion.

He furrowed his brows, focusing on the words and I couldn't help but admire him.

I must've been staring for a while because he glanced to me and then back at his book before staring back at me a bit shocked.

His face turned a small shade of red and he quickly removed his glasses and put the book down.

I broke into a smile and leaned the canvas into my side tilting my head and nodding my head to the book.

He looked to it and lifted it smirking, "Ah, Dickinson." I said while hoping he read my mouth.

Nikove nodded and laughed a bit before furrowing his brows and staring questionably at the painting.

I stared down at it and pursed my lips, leaning it against the wall, I grabbed a sketchbook and flipped to an empty page. 'Haiden bought me a painting.' I turned it to him and he laughed a short scoff like one.

"Picasso?" He mouthed leaning a shoulder into the windowsill.

Laughing, I shook my head "Van Gogh?" He mouthed.

I gave him a look and he grinned, "Monet?" He mouthed, this time a bit more amused. I shook my head and mouthed back "I wish."

He dropped his grin to a soft smile, "Whats your favorite artist?" He asked, but I had to have him repeat it twice.

"Mary Cassatt." I mouthed while he gave me a small smile and confused look before he pulled out a notebook and wrote, 'Mary Cassatt? Why her?'

I mouthed "Her mother and child art." And he gave me a long stare before nodding.

His eyes moved to the painting and then he wrote, 'Did he not know you paint?' I read and laughed shrugging, "I guess not." I said.

He eyed the painting, 'Suppose it's the thought that counts.' He wrote, I read it nodding once.

I wanted to tell him what I saw at the book shop, but I thought I should give Ava the chance to come home and tell him.

"Veta!" Dad called and I turned to the door, "in the studio." I called back.

When I looked back into Nikove's room, he was gone.

My heart ached.

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