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Bruce Wayne suddenly notices that he's wearing a trench coat and that he's down in an underground bunker. Bruce Wayne notices Clark Kent walking towards him. Clark Kent pulls Bruce Wayne's mask off of Bruce Wayne while having an angry look on his face.

 Clark Kent pulls Bruce Wayne's mask off of Bruce Wayne while having an angry look on his face

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Bruce Wayne is suddenly standing in the underground cave. Alfred Pennyworth says are you okay Bruce?!! Bruce Wayne says I don't know?!!... I think I'm seeing things?!! Jack Napier is practicing a musical number. Barry Allen from earth 1 is suddenly standing right in front of Bruce Wayne. Barry Allen from earth 1 says I'm ready to test the new suit that you created for me Bruce!!

Bruce Wayne says who are you and what are you talking about?!! Bruce Wayne is suddenly laying on the floor passed out

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Bruce Wayne says who are you and what are you talking about?!! Bruce Wayne is suddenly laying on the floor passed out. Bruce Wayne wakes up and notices that Barry Allen from earth 1 is gone. Jack Napier continues to practice a musical number. Jack Napier smiles and says it's going to be fun shooting Barbara Gordon. Jack Napier laughs like a crazy person. Bruce Wayne notices a really bright light forming around him. Bruce Wayne notices himself sitting at the batcomputer. Bruce Wayne also notices the future version of Barry Allen from earth 1 coming out of the batcomputer.

 Bruce Wayne also notices the future version of Barry Allen from earth 1 coming out of the batcomputer

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Bruce Wayne is suddenly laying face down in the middle of the floor. Bruce Wayne gets back up and sees that the really bright light is gone. Bruce Wayne also notices that the future version of Barry Allen from earth 1 is gone. Alfred Pennyworth says are you okay Bruce?!! Bruce Wayne says I think I need a breath of fresh air?!! Alfred Pennyworth says maybe you need a break from being Batman?!! Bruce Wayne says no I don't need a break Alfred... I'm fine.

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