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Lois Lane hears Clark Kent knocking on her front door. Clark Kent yells Lois?!! Clark Kent knocks again and yells Lois?!! Clark Kent knocks again and yells anybody home?!!... Hello?!!... Lois?!! Lois Lane unlocks the front door of her apartment and opens it. Clark Kent says uh hi... Can I come in?!!

Lois Lane says oh yeah?!! Clark Kent walks into Lois Lane's penthouse apartment

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Lois Lane says oh yeah?!! Clark Kent walks into Lois Lane's penthouse apartment. Clark Kent says Lois... For goodness sake didn't you hear me knocking?!!

Lois Lane says uh- huh?!! Clark Kent says Lois we uh did have a date tonight remember?!! Lois Lane says oh?!! Clark Kent walks up to Lois Lane and says Lois

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Lois Lane says uh- huh?!! Clark Kent says Lois we uh did have a date tonight remember?!! Lois Lane says oh?!! Clark Kent walks up to Lois Lane and says Lois.. Lois Lane says huh?!! Clark Kent says you haven't been uh.. Clark Kent does a hand gesture as a way of asking Lois Lane if she's been drinking alcohol. Lois Lane says oh no no?!! Clark Kent says well I certainly hope not... Well let's push off shall we?!! Lois Lane says I better get a coat... It might be cold out?!! Lois Lane walks into her bedroom and says and of course I'll have have to fix my hair and put some blush on. Lois Lane closes her bedroom door. Clark Kent takes his glasses off while smiling at Lois Lane's bedroom door. Clark Kent looks down at his glasses. Clark Kent looks up at Lois Lane's bedroom door. Clark Kent says Lois there's something I have to tell you I'm really.. Lois Lane walks out of her bedroom while holding a jacket. Clark Kent quickly puts his glasses back on and says I mean I was uh at first really nervous about tonight... Uh but then I decided well darn it I was gonna show you the time of your life?!! Lois Lane opens the front door of her apartment and says that's nice Clark!! Clark Kent says I was thinking we could go for a hamburger or whatever you wanna do?!!

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