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A group of men including the prostitutes boss all hear the gunshot and go to investigate. Bruce Wayne quickly grabs the girl and the jacket. Bruce Wayne quickly gets the girl in the backseat of the rental car. The prostitutes boss starts shooting at Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne starts shooting at the prostitutes boss and the group of men. The prostitutes boss starts shooting at Bruce Wayne again. Bruce Wayne starts shooting at the prostitutes boss and the group of men again. Bruce Wayne quickly gets in the driver's seat of the rental car and drives through the construction site. The prostitutes boss and the group of men continue for shoot at Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne drives right into a group of barrels causing them to get knocked over. Liquid spills out of the barrels. The sparks from the gunshots cause the barrels to get set on fire. The prostitutes boss and the group of men get in their cars. The prostitutes boss and the group of men start chasing Bruce Wayne. The barrels suddenly explode. The prostitutes boss and the group of men continue to chase Bruce Wayne through the construction site while shooting at him. Bruce Wayne drives right into a car that is being driven by a member of the group of men while driving down a hill causing it to fall down the hill. The prostitutes boss and the group of men continue to chase Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne manages to get away from the construction site. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth is on the phone with the man that he was talking to earlier. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says I said he wouldn't stay quiet long in French. The man says what do we do now in French. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says now, he's in action... My guess is he'll lose you in French. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth hangs up his cellphone. Bruce Wayne notices the man following him and quickly drives through a red light. Bruce Wayne turns into another street and flips the man off while driving. The man says shit in French. Bruce Wayne drives until he gets to a street corner. Bruce Wayne gets out of the rental car. Bruce Wayne quietly picks a lock on a car causing it to become unlocked. Bruce Wayne opens both the car door to the driver's side and the car door to the backseat. Bruce Wayne grabs the girl and puts her in the backseat. Bruce Wayne closes the car door and gets in the driver's seat. Bruce Wayne closes the car door and hot wires the car. Bruce Wayne drives away. Bruce Wayne drives until he gets to a hotel. Bruce Wayne walks into the hotel and gets a hotel room. Bruce Wayne carries the girl into the hotel room. Bruce Wayne sets up a bloodbag next to the bed and injects the girl with medicine. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth calls Bruce Wayne. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says we need to talk. Bruce Wayne says I'm listening. The next day. Bruce Wayne is at a park watching the old friend of Alfred Pennyworth from a long distance on the roof of a building. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth is talking to Bruce Wayne on his cellphone while sitting on a park bench. Bruce Wayne is talking to the old friend of Alfred Pennyworth using a special device. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says well how about you come meet me first I can't see you... Where are you? Bruce Wayne says I can see you and hear you very well. Bruce Wayne notices a group of men who work for the old friend of Alfred Pennyworth. The group of men are disguised as a group of joggers. Bruce Wayne says tell them to stop jogging now. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth signals the group of men as a way of telling them to stop jogging. Bruce Wayne knows his cellphone is being tracked by the police. Bruce Wayne says you didn't really think I was gonna come down there did you? The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says I didn't think you were gonna make such a mess?!! Bruce Wayne says I didn't have time to worry about cleanups!! The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says I know you have 20 hours. Bruce Wayne says now I have 56. The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says no now you have none... My chief wanted to erase you... I convinced him to send you home. Bruce Wayne angrily says what about Lois Lane?!!! The old friend of Alfred Pennyworth says I told you I sit behind a desk now!!... Come on it's the best I could you he wanted you arrested in chains!!! Bruce Wayne says sorry doesn't cut it anymore!! Bruce Wayne quickly leaves without taking his cellphone and the special device. The police climb onto the roof of the building but Bruce Wayne is already gone. Bruce Wayne watches the police while standing on a tower behind the building that the police are on the roof of. Bruce Wayne leaves. Bruce Wayne walks out of the building that the tower is part of. Bruce Wayne drops the special device in a trash can. Bruce Wayne quickly walks down into the subway. Bruce Wayne is sitting in the hotel room. Bruce Wayne is looking through the dictionary that Grego Milosevic gave him and writing the sentence good luck in Albanian on a piece of paper. The girl wakes up and notices the medical tube sticking out of her arm. The girl tries to pull it out but Bruce Wayne stops her and says no no no it's alright... It's fluids and medication to counteract the drugs, it's alright! Bruce Wayne grabs the jacket. Bruce Wayne says where did you get this?!!... Where did you get this jacket?!! Bruce Wayne shows the girl a photo of Lois Lane that he had developed. The photo was taken by Peter. Bruce Wayne says did you get it from her?... Was it from this woman?!!

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