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The man says you also stole a car. The man suddenly disappears. The funeral starts. Jack Napier reads the eulogy multiple times so he can memorize it. Jack Napier helps carry the coffin that his wife Jeannie is inside of. Jack Napier's family members and Jeannie's family members all gather around the coffin that Jeannie is inside of.

The coffin is lowered into a hole in the ground. Jack Napier notices the man. The man smiles at Jack Napier. Jack Napier closes his eyes and opens them. The man is gone. Jack Napier does the eulogy. The funeral ends. Jack Napier suddenly wipes the makeup off of his face.

 Jack Napier suddenly wipes the makeup off of his face

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A few hours later. Jack Napier is at his apartment. Jack Napier is watching tv. A silent film called the man who laughs starts playing on the tv.

The man is suddenly standing in Jack Napier's living room. Jack Napier says who are you and why do you look exactly like me?!!! The man says I already told you I'm what your gonna become Jack but you can call me joker!!!... Face it Jack your already going mad!! Jack Napier said your not real?!! The man says I'm actually a manifestation of your madness!!... Your gonna keep seeing me until you actually become me!! Jack Napier says go away!!... Your not real!! The man says sorry but I can't go away. The man says Jack your going mad because of what was in the water that you fell into... There was some toxic waste in it!!

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