Chapter 2! Page 4!

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The next day. Clark Kent is in his classroom at school. Clark Kent is suddenly seeing through solid objects and it's distracting him. The teacher says are you listening Clark?!! The teacher walks up to Clark Kent and says I asked you to tell me who first settled Kansas?!! Clark Kent suddenly sees the teachers skeleton and organs. Clark Kent sees all of the students skeletons and organs. Clark Kent's ears are picking up all sorts of sounds. The teacher says are you alright Clark?!! Clark Kent covers his ears with his hands, uncovers his ears, gets up, runs, and runs out of the classroom. Clark Kent runs into the hallway and continues to see through solid objects and hear all sorts of different sounds. Clark Kent runs into a janitors closet and closes the door. The teacher and a whole bunch of students are all standing in the hallway where the janitors closet is. The teacher gently pounds on the door of the janitors closet and says Clark come out of there?!! Clark Kent says leave me alone while covering his ears with his hands. The teacher gently pounds on the door of the janitors closet and says Clark I have called your mother?!! Clark Kent uncovers his ears and looks up at the door. Clark Kent's eyes suddenly turn red and make the door knob really hot. The teacher almost burns her hand. Martha Kent runs towards the janitors closet and yells I'm here... Clark honey it's mom. Martha Kent walks up to the janitors closet and says Clark can you open the door?!! Clark Kent hears some of the students saying what's wrong with him anyway... He's such a freak crybaby... His parents won't even let him play with other kids... I know what a weirdo?!! Martha Kent says sweetie how can I help you if you won't let me in?!! Clark Kent says the world's too big mom?!! Martha Kent says then make it small?!!... Just focus on my voice... Pretend it's an island out in the ocean... Can you see it?!! Tears fall down Clark Kent's face. Clark Kent says I see it. Martha Kent says then swim towards it honey?!! Clark Kent opens the door. Clark Kent hugs Martha Kent. Clark Kent says what's wrong with me mom?!! Martha Kent says Clark?!! A few years later. Clark Kent is in middle school.

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