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It's midnight. Bruce Wayne is down on one knee on a rooftop and watching the man who planted the bombs. The man is beating the crap out of someone. Bruce Wayne stands up revealing his shadow. Bruce Wayne's shadow is suddenly right in front of the man. The man sees Bruce Wayne and runs. The man continues to run. The man yells get away from me man!!!... Get away from me!!!! The man quickly runs into the apartment building that he lives in and closes the door. The man runs up the stairs and into his apartment. The man closes the door. Bruce Wayne leaps through a glass window that is right next to the man causing the glass to break. Bruce Wayne pushes the man into a closed door. The man tries to hit Bruce Wayne with his right hand but Bruce Wayne blocks the man's right hand with his left hand. Bruce Wayne quickly hits him in the face with his right hand. Bruce Wayne hits him in the gut with his right hand. Bruce Wayne hits him really hard in the face with his left hand. Bruce Wayne hits him really hard in the gut. Bruce Wayne hits him several times in the face with his right hand and his left hand. Bruce Wayne says leave Gotham city and never come back!!!!

The man says fuck you!! Bruce Wayne angrily hits him really hard in the face with his right hand. Bruce Wayne suddenly notices a little boy. The little boy is really scared. The little boy says please... Please don't hurt me out of fear. The little boy continues to cry. Bruce Wayne says I'm not the bad guy kid. Bruce Wayne is standing on a rooftop. Bruce Wayne says I'm not the bad guy!!!!

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