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Clark Kent is walking to school.

Clark Kent walks up to Lana Lang and says hey Lana?!! Lana Lang says oh hi Clark?!!

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Clark Kent walks up to Lana Lang and says hey Lana?!! Lana Lang says oh hi Clark?!!

After school Clark Kent tries on the suit that was in the small rocket in his bedroom

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After school Clark Kent tries on the suit that was in the small rocket in his bedroom.

After school Clark Kent tries on the suit that was in the small rocket in his bedroom

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Jonathan Kent walks into Clark Kent's bedroom and sees Clark Kent wearing the suit. Clark Kent looks at Jonathan Kent and says what do you think dad?!! Jonathan Kent says well it looks good on you?!! Clark Kent says dad I have an idea... I'm going to become a hero called superboy and I'm gonna save people!! Jonathan Kent says I think it's a bad idea but if your gonna do it you should keep your Clark Kent identity?!! Clark Kent runs and leaps through his farms corn field. Clark Kent suddenly starts flying. Clark Kent yells mom and dad look I'm flying?!!! Clark Kent flies really high up in the air.

 Clark Kent yells mom and dad look I'm flying?!!! Clark Kent flies really high up in the air

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Clark Kent smiles while flying. The next day. Clark Kent is at school. Clark Kent goes to grab his math book out of his locker and accidentally makes a whole bunch of his stuff fall out of his locker. Clark Kent goes to pick up his stuff. Lana Lang walks up to Clark Kent and helps him pick up his stuff. Clark Kent says oh thanks Lana?!! Lana Lang smiles at Clark Kent.

 Clark Kent says oh thanks Lana?!! Lana Lang smiles at Clark Kent

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Lana Lang helps Clark Kent put his stuff back in his locker.

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