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Clark Kent is suddenly seeing through solid objects again. Clark Kent closes his eyes. Clark Kent's super-hearing picks up the sound of a man who is trying to stop his car from driving right into a group of kids who are crossing a crosswalk. The car's breaks aren't working. Clark Kent quickly runs out of the school and quickly gets the suit that was in the small rocket on. Clark Kent takes his glasses off. Clark Kent flies to where the car is, lands right behind the car, grabs the back rear bumper of the car, and pulls really hard on it to try and stop the car. Clark Kent digs his feet into the ground while pulling on the back rear bumper of the car. The car suddenly stops. Clark Kent stands in front of the car while striking a pose. The man says thank you for saving me but how?!!... Who are you?!! Clark Kent says a friend. Clark Kent flies away. Clark Kent flies back to his school and quickly gets his regular clothes back on. Clark Kent quickly puts his glasses on. After school Clark Kent tries to learn how to control his ability that allows him to see through solid objects. Martha Kent walks up to Clark Kent. Martha Kent says are you okay Clark?!! Clark Kent looks at Martha Kent and says I'm just trying to control my ability that allows me to see through solid objects?!! Martha Kent says I might be able to help you with that?!! Clark Kent says what do you mean?!! Martha Kent says there's some crystals in the small rocket... Some of the crystals are shaped like lenses. Martha Kent says maybe we can replace the lenses of your glasses with those?!! Clark Kent walks into the barn that the small rocket is in. Clark Kent climbs down into the giant hole that the small rocket is in and starts looking for crystals in the small rocket.

 Clark Kent climbs down into the giant hole that the small rocket is in and starts looking for crystals in the small rocket

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Clark Kent finds 2 small crystals that are shaped like lenses. Clark Kent grabs the 2 small crystals and climbs out of the giant hole.

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