Chapter 34! Page 99!

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James Gordon has a man come to the Gotham city police department building and do some custom work on one of the searchlights that are on the roof of the Gotham city police department building. The man adds a bat shaped emblem to the searchlight. The police chief pays the man. It's nighttime. James Gordon turns on the searchlight. The searchlight suddenly shows a giant bat up in the sky. Bruce Wayne is sitting in the personal library that is at Wayne manor. Bruce Wayne notices the giant bat and stands up.

 Bruce Wayne notices the giant bat and stands up

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Bruce Wayne gets the armored suit on. Bruce Wayne gets in the driver's seat of the special vehicle. Bruce Wayne drives to the Gotham city police department building. Bruce Wayne is suddenly standing right behind James Gordon. James Gordon notices Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne says what is it Mr. Gordon?!!!

James Gordon says we need your help!!... We need you to interrogate Jack Napier. Bruce Wayne says I will do this for you but I will do this my way!!!

A police officer escorts Jack Napier to an interrogation room. James Gordon is sitting in the interrogation room. The police officer makes Jack Napier sit down. James Gordon says Mr. Napier I'm going to ask you one more time!!... Why are you doing all these horrible things?!!! Jack Napier laughs like a crazy person. James Gordon stands up and walks out of the interrogation room. Jack Napier says is this the good cop bad cop routine?!!! James Gordon says not exactly!! James Gordon closes the door and locks it. The light turns off. The light turns back on. Bruce Wayne is suddenly standing right behind Jack Napier.

Bruce Wayne grabs Jack Napier by the back of the head with his left hand and makes Jack Napier hit the table face first

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Bruce Wayne grabs Jack Napier by the back of the head with his left hand and makes Jack Napier hit the table face first. Jack Napier sees Bruce Wayne. Jack Napier says never start with the head... The victim gets all fuzzy?!!... You can't feel the neck?!!! Bruce Wayne quickly makes his right hand into a fist and hits Jack Napier in his right hand with his right hand. Bruce Wayne sits down. Jack Napier says see?!!! Bruce Wayne says you wanted me, here I am!!

Jack Napier says I wanted to see what you'd do... And you didn't disappoint!! Jack Napier says Gotham is corrupted and full of criminals... I simply became one of the many criminals!!! Bruce Wayne says you want to kill me!!

Jack Napier laughs like a crazy person and says I don't want to kill you... Hahaha what would I do without you?!!... Go back to doing standup comedy, no no no!... No you... You complete me!! Bruce Wayne says your garbage, you kill because you think it's funny!!!

Jack Napier says don't talk like one of them your not!!... Even if you'd like to be!! Jack Napier says to them your just a freak like me... And they need you right now!!... When they don't they'll cast you out like a leopard... You see their morals, their code is a bad joke!!... Dropped at the first sign of trouble!! Jack Napier says their only as good as the world allows them to be!!... I'll show you when the chips are down these uh these civilized people... They'll eat each other!!... You see I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve!! Bruce Wayne violently grabs Jack Napier with both of his hands, lifts him towards himself off of his chair, and over the table. Bruce Wayne says why are you doing this?!!!!

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