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Meanwhile at the Luthor mansion.

Lex Luthor is working on a lab experiment

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Lex Luthor is working on a lab experiment.

Lex Luthor is really smart but he has autism

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Lex Luthor is really smart but he has autism. Lex Luthor is so smart that he couldn't stay in college because he was too smart for college. Lex Luthors sister Lena Luthor walks up to Lex Luthor and says hey Lex. The next day. Clark Kent is trying to see if his ability that allows him to see through solid objects allows him to see through lead. Clark Kent discovers that he can't see through lead. Clark Kent tries to learn how to control his laser vision. Clark Kent suddenly uses his laser vision to set a thing of hay on fire. Clark Kent quickly tries to concentrate and make his laser vision stop. Clark Kent makes his laser vision stop. Clark Kent smiles and says I did it?!! Martha Kent walks up to Clark Kent and says Clark it's time for dinner. Clark Kent says okay mom. Clark Kent walks into his house and sits down at the dinner table. Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, and Clark Kent say grace before eating dinner. Martha Kent says Clark did you come up with a name yet?!! Clark Kent says what do you mean?!! Martha Kent says since your a superhero now your gonna need a superhero name?!! Martha Kent says since there's an s on your suit how about you call yourself superboy?!! Clark Kent says okay!! Clark Kent says actually how about I just be superboy and have Clark Kent be my disguise?!! Martha Kent says okay?!!

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