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Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan start having sex. Chloe Sullivan says that was amazing?!!

Clark Kent says Chloe I can't be your boyfriend

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Clark Kent says Chloe I can't be your boyfriend... I'm going on a date tomorrow night?!! Clark Kent says we can still be friends though?!! Chloe Sullivan says I'm sorry Clark I guess I will always have feelings for you?!! The next day. Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and all of the other Daily Planet employees are standing in Perry White's office. Perry White says now look the post... It flies while slamming a newspaper on his desk that has an article about the mystery hero on the front of it titled it flies. Perry White slams another newspaper on his desk that has an article about the mystery hero titled look ma no wires on the front of it while saying look ma no wires. Perry White slams another newspaper on his desk that has a newspaper article about the mystery hero on the front of it titled blue bomb buzzes Metropolis while saying blue bomb buzzes Metropolis. Perry White says the planet... We're sitting on top of the story of the century here!!... I want the name of this flying whatever it is to go with the Daily Planet like bacon and eggs... Frank's and beans... Death and taxes... Politics and corruption!! Clark Kent says I don't think that he would lend himself to any cheap promotion schemes though Mr. White?!!


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