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The next day. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are standing in Perry White's office. Perry White looks at Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Perry White says Bruce Wayne is going to be at an art gallery tonight... They are having a party at the art gallery tonight and I want you 2 to interview Bruce Wayne. Perry White hands Clark Kent and Lois Lane their invitations. Clark Kent and Lois Lane go to their apartments and pack for their trip to Gotham city. Clark Kent and Lois Lane go to the airport. Clark Kent and Lois Lane both get on a plane. The plane flies to Gotham city. Meanwhile. Lex Luthor is sitting in his prison cell. Lex Luthor is drawing superman on the wall next to his bed but he's drawing how he sees superman.

 Lex Luthor is drawing superman on the wall next to his bed but he's drawing how he sees superman

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A few hours later. Lex Luthor is being transferred to Arkham Asylum. Lex Luthor is placed in a prison cell that is right next to Jack Napier's prison cell. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are in their hotel room. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are getting ready for the party. Clark Kent and Lois Lane take a taxi. Clark Kent and Lois Lane get to the art gallery. Lois Lane goes to look for Bruce Wayne. Lois Lane walks up to Bruce Wayne and says excuse me I'm looking for Bruce Wayne... Do you know where he is?!!

Without thinking Bruce Wayne says I don't know?!!

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Without thinking Bruce Wayne says I don't know?!!

Without thinking Bruce Wayne says I don't know?!!

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Lois Lane walks away.

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