"I was looking out for you, i wanted you to have a bright future-"

"Your acting like i was in school and they asked who wants to be in a gang when theyre older and I chose it. You pushed me in this direction. I was left with nothing after you decided to just dump me in a foster home" I snap

"Ok, we are both at faults"

"Mom, no ones ever gonna understand why I went back..hell i dont even know for sure why I went back....but its something thats grown with me. Im not proud of all the crimes Ive done or the people Ive killed" My mom flinches at the last part

"But Im doing something thats for me, for Jason, for what I think is where I should be"

My mom smiles at me before pulling me into a hug.When she pulls away I stand up and shoot Alex a quick text.

"Um mom, can you do something for me"

"What is it-" 

"Grandmaaaaaaaaaaa" Kenya yell running in with her sweats and jordans on. I finally did her hair and straightened it before putting it into a high pony tail; her hairs so long its a little below her shoulders in a high pony tail.

"Hello Ms. Jeffries" Alex says as my mom stands and gives her a hug.

"Hello Alex. You look quite handsome as always"

"Thankyou and you look lovely as well" Alex says well manoredly

"OK, go " My mom says and i smile and give her a hug before leaving with Alex.

Cameron POV

"Angelo if you sit next to me  I will beat the fuck out of you with a spoon" I snap as Angel pulls out a seat next to me.

"Calm down babe" Chaz says to me from my left side.

"Yea listen to your boyfriend"Angelo says as he pushes the chair in once Angel sits and he takes a seat next to her.

I glare at him and flip him off as Blessing, Mara,Sierra,Ryan,  Taylor, and Fredo walk in. They take off their coats and take a seat.

"Hey guys" Mara says

"Wheres Brice?"Blessing asks

"We're here" Brice says walking in with Alex behind her.

"We?" i whisper to Angel and she shrugs nervously.

"Hey guys..I hope you dont mind but Alex is here" Brice says

"Alex?" Taylor says in disbelief

"Taylor?" Alex says.

They stand up and do a bro hug before sitting down

"Man I havent seen you in forever. I thought you, ya know" Taylor made a slicing neck motion.

"Nah im good and alive"Alex chuckles

"Guys this guy is a legend. He was the smartest, fastest, and one of the best in the gang league. Your lucky you got to work with Xavier Delgotto. I wish I could have." Taylor says

"Wow impressive" Blessing says and Alex thanks her

"Yea but im sort of done with that life" Alex says dismissing it

"Oh yea dont you have a kid with Brice" Alfredo says and everyone glares at him

"What, is the gay one not aloud to  say some smart shit. Well then my bad...just trying to clear stuff up but I guess thats none of my business " Fredo says as he drinks his hot coco.

Brice rolls her eyes at him as we all order our food.

"So Blessing, your 21 today, how you feel" I ask her

"I dont know cause i already drank before i was 21 so its nothing different" She shrugs

"You should feel old as hell girl. Old, As, Hell. " Fredo says drinking his coco again

Blessing flips him off and everyone laughs.

"Hows Kenya"Blessing asks Brice

"Shes amazing, I saw her dance yesterday and I cant believe the talent she has." Brice said cheerfully

"She had to have gotten it from you Brice, your a model" I say

"Nope she got it from her dad, believe it or not but when me, Jason, and Alex were in Delgotto's gang, Alex had a dance crew that he danced with in his free time" Brice smiled remembering those days

"I wasnt that good" Alex blushed

"You were frickin amazing!"

"What kind of dance did you do bro"Sierra asks.

"Hip hop" Alex states and the whole table goes ohhhhhhhhh.

Brice POV

"Omg you look hot" Sierra says

Right now all the girls are at Angels house getting ready while the guys are at Alex's condo. After breakfast we spent 5 hours at the mall looking for outfits for tonight to go to the club for Blessing's birthday.

I look at myself in the full length mirror as I admire the way the short red dress hugs my curves with its long sleeves grazed in a few small gems. All the girls got similar dresses but different colors except blessing who has a high low black dress thats strapless.

I slid on my black heels and shook my hair out as the waves fell down my back.

"The guys are outside" Angel says reading a text on her phone.

"Lets go"  Mara says.

We walk outside and get into the black van that Taylor rented for the night and we all pile in. I sit in the far back with Angelo, Angel, Me, and Alex in that order. Alex is wearing a black button up shirt thats not buttoned up with a white vest, black jeans and some black and red supras. 

"You look sexy" Alex whispers

"Right back at you" I whisper back

"I know" He smirks looking ahead

"Cocky" I say under my breath and smile.

We get to the club as Wiggle blasts through the speakers. We go to the VIP section and order drinks. I sip some of my cocktail before getting pulled onto the dance floor by the girls. We all dance around and shake our hips and soon i feel someones hands on my hips....his hands. I turn and see.....


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