He just held that small smile, "Lue caught a cold, she's been in bed, she'll be okay but maybe stay away for a bit. Don't want you catching it." He said ringing the book up.

Right, "Yeah. Um hey do you know if you're hiring here?" I asked tucking my hair behind my ear to hear the rejection clear.

Haiden reached over and grabbed a clipboard, "Well Lue was supposed to be working tomorrow and all of winter break. But she seems like she won't even be able to. If you can do those days, they're yours." He said letting out a sigh and handing me the clipboard with a pen.

I looked to the pen and carefully took it, avoiding touching him with my clamy hands. I crossed off Lue and wrote Veta above her name. Noticing that I was working with Nikove half of those days and Haiden the other half.


"Thank you Haiden." I said politely while pushing the clipboard to him softly.

He gave a nod, "Anytime. The books on me. Enjoy your last day off." He said with a grin as I took the book.

My chest did some weird things, then a flip in my stomach and I nodded, heading out the book store before I could say anything dumb.

Going to the diner, I sat down and tried to calm my nerves. I can't believe Haiden just bought me a book. Was he flirting too? Yeah, he was. God Lue, where's my best friend when I need her?

I sighed and sulked into a booth.

"Good morning beautiful." Abel's voice came to the side of me and I jumped before looking to him with a bit of relief, "Hi Abe, just a coffee for now." I said watching him look down at me and sit across from me.

Okay, or join me, "What's wrong? You don't look too good. I mean you're still fine as hell but you emotionally okay?" He asked quietly.

I nodded, "Just worried about Lue, she's really that sick?" I asked Abel who gave a nod, "Apparently she was throwing up all night. Haiden was taking care of her, he's a good guy." he said smiling and then standing.

"One coffee coming up, sweetness." He winked and left me alone with my thoughts.

The door dinged open and I watched Petra walk in with Luca and Vyke, they all seemed annoyed about something.

They took a seat at one of the booths past me and I watched Petra waddle there while holding Luca's hand.

I kept my head low and eyed over the menu, not feeling hungry for anything but advice from Lue.

A tap came to my shoulder and I looked up, catching eyes with Anya, relief flooding me almost instantly.

"I missed you." I said blushing as I gave her a hug.

She took my hand, holding onto it tight, a feeling of protection, loyalty and love flowed through me.

"I'm so sorry for what Ava did. Honestly she's psychotic. We offered to pay for any damages but your dad refuses. Something about you getting a job." She asked laughing as I scooted over and she sat beside me.

Mikael took the seat across from us and gave me a small nod and smile. I think he's warming up to me, slowly but surely.

His eyes hung over Anya's hand in mine and I wondered if he was jealous.

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